Editor Manual - Draft

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Editor Manual - Draft

Post by uran21 »

Since I am exploring game editor it seems convenient to write manual for it for several reasons. It will give me better understanding of subject matter. Developers could answer questions, correct mistakes or simply fill in the blanks. Sharing knowledge learned will benefit other people interested into the subject.

For any comment and suggestions please follow link to this thread or open a new one. Thx.

Last edited by uran21 on Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:03 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by uran21 »

Observations made on Scenario Editor version 1.8.3.


Scenario Editor can be accessed through game Main Menu.

With opening the Editor you will start with loaded map of predefined size. 20x20 hexes in size map will be covered with Open Terrain as its base terrain type.

If you wish to create a map of different size click New Scenario button located on the right side of UI (figure 1).

figure 1

With New Scenario opened a pop up window will appear (figure 2). Here you can choose map size, name a scenario or decide which base terrain to use. Map limit is 120x120 hexes. Confirm button will load the map with set choices.

figure 2

First thing to do is to lay out terrain for the map. Various terrain types can be accessed by clicking Terrain button at the left side of the UI (figure 3). Editor uses 2D style for terrain representation. Terrain is laid out by selecting desired terrain type and clicking on the hex where you want it to be. If you changed your mind about convenient base terrain you can fill the map with one terrain type by using Fill Map button or if you want to make parts of the map faster it is possible to change Brush Size. By holding down left mouse button map will be filled with chosen terrain how you move brush over it (figures 4-1/4-2).

figure 3

Image Image
figure 4-1 and 4-2

After basic terrain is being laid out, under button labeled as Other (figure 5) is additional layer of terrain features like roads, railroads, rivers and other map elements that have specific function. Most notable of those are Capture Point that places a flag on the map,Supply Point that defines supply output of a source, Hex Ownership that defines which faction owns the hex. Desired faction should be selected from faction list before using hex ownership (figure 6), effect of defining it should be visible through supply boundaries between hexes as well as flags placed on the map should change depending on which faction owns the hex.

figure 5

figure 6

Decorations layer is the one that contains elements for adding final details on the map for the purpose of beautifying and atmosphere.

After map is being done units could be placed on it but before placing all of the units and defining AI (singleplayer) behaviour it can be useful to define Scenario Settings first (figure 7).

figure 7

Using pad image for scenario map

For map creation one can use geographical map as pad image on top of which hex terrains are placed. To do this find desired map image. If necessary cut parts of the image to create smaller one if the area on the image is to large and includes lot of out of play space. Check the width and height of your pad image. Transfer width and height measures into hex count at your own liking (1cm=some number of hexes). This way when you create map of certain size it will have same ratio as pad image. Take a note image used needs to be in .jpg format.

After deciding for a pad image and scenario map size follow this steps:

1. Create a scenario in the size you wish and save it
2. Find the location of this custom scenario, for the main game usually ...My Documents\My Games\Order of Battle - WW2\Scenarios - in there each scenario gets its own subfolder
3. Find an image of a map you want to use as pad image for scenario map. Save it as template.jpg in the custom scenario's own subfolder
4. Now when reloading your custom scenario the image you use as template.jpg will be shown in the background with some opacity, so you can place geographical details more accurately (figure pad image)

figure pad image
Last edited by uran21 on Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:31 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by uran21 »

Observations made on Scenario Editor version 1.8.3.


Under Scenario Setting there are various tabs available. First among them is Alliances tab (figure 8 ).

figure 8

Various factions/nations with their unit rosters and flags are available in the game.

Alliances refers to a single human player or non-player character (AI) because one player can control several factions in a scenario.

Team defines side in a conflict. Alliances belonging to the same team will be friendly to each other and enemies to other teams.

There are six possible Alliances in the game. Two of those Alliances are exclusively reserved for the AI. They are exclusively neutral in combat. Player is unable to attack neutral Alliance and vice versa. Difference between the two comes from their hex ownership. One of neutral Alliances is considered Out-of-Reach and other Alliances are unable to move land forces into hexes under its control. It is used to create Out-of-Play areas on the map. Hexes controlled by second neutral Alliance are accessible for other Alliances and their Supply Points/ Flags can be captured.

Out-of-Reach Alliance is represented by the first column under Alliances tab and most factions belong to it by default. All available factions are listed on Alliances tab except second exclusively neutral No Man's Land represented by the white flag and accessed through faction list in the main UI.

Besides Out-of-Reach Alliance column there are four possible columns for combatants. They could be assigned to a human player or the AI, two of which are visible by default and up to two more can be added with Add button (figure 9).

figure 9

One unique faction can belong only to one Alliance but one Alliance can control several factions. To assign certain faction to Alliance place check mark under proper column. Alliances columns contain number of editable items described on the far left of the tab.

Resource Points are allocated to every faction individually and are not transferable between factions if they belong to same Alliance.

First numerical column on the right represents resource points allocated to the faction from scenario start. Second column represents resource points allocated to the faction on turn by turn basis. Third column is activated only if faction is controlled by a human player and represents compensation given to the player because of absence of core units if scenario is played in stand-alone mode outside of campaign flow. Subsequent columns represent availability of command points for land, naval and air units in this particular order.
Last edited by uran21 on Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by uran21 »

Observations made on Scenario Editor version 1.8.3.


If you invoked New Scenario instead of using default map size you already had a chance to choose name for a scenario. If this was not done already you can edit scenario name in the Settings tab (figure 10).

figure 10

Here you can also add description of a scenario, define starting date, turn limit and time progress through turns as well as other general options.

Take a note that scenario name is the one shown listed in the game setup screen. In order to preserve the file you will need to save it (figure 11) and the File Name you choose for scenario doesn't need to be the same as Scenario Name but for the reason of convenience and good practice it is useful to use scenario name without spaces as file name. Also be aware when a game is saved during play details of saved game will show File Name as a scenario name.

figure 11
Last edited by uran21 on Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by uran21 »

Observations made on Scenario Editor version 1.8.3.


In Mission tab (figure 12) one can declare objectives and create briefings for Alliances controlled by a human player. In game setup, player will not be able to select side assigned to AI so making briefings for AI controlled Alliances has no meaning.

figure 12

It is possible to declare up to five primary objectives and up to five secondary objectives. They are added by clicking the Add button.

Clicking long horizontal button of any objective will open text fields (figure 13). In first field declare your objective like "Capture the Flag" or whatever the objective is. In second field provide info on award given, if any, for completing objective. If no specific award is given for completing objective leave the field as it is. Certain hexes and units associated to objectives could be marked to explain objectives better (figure 14). "H" and "U" buttons are used to mark hexes and units respectively. "X" removes those associative marks and "-" removes whole objective.

figure 13

figure 14

Declaring objectives in Mission tab will list objectives in Turn Overview pop up window during the game but in order for those objectives to be functional they should be defined through Triggers.

Objective with associative marker will have question mark when listed in turn overview, the one without associative marker tied to a hex or unit will have no mark at all and objectives that are checked from start, through left most checkbox, will have tick check mark symbol in turn overview (figure 15 and 16).

figure 15

figure 16

In the upper left of the Mission tab there is Briefing button that opens panel for editing briefings and scenario outcomes (figure 17). One can add up to five briefing messages. Those are added by clicking the Add button.

figure 17

Different soldier avatar can be chosen for every message if necessary. Focus Hex button will provide a chance to select hex on the map where camera will focus on while particular briefing message is shown. On the right of the avatar is a text field where message text can be inputted.

Attached below is sample scenario illustrating how to declare objectives and edit briefing.
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Last edited by uran21 on Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by uran21 »

Observations made on Scenario Editor version 1.9.3c.

Outcome Events

Under the Briefing section of Mission tab there is an outcome list.

The game ends if the turn limit is reached OR any active alliance reaches all of it's primary objectives. At that point outcomes are given to each alliance as follows:

Major Defeat (0): NOT all primary objectives met + NOT all secondary objectives met + hostile alliance has achieved all primary objectives
Defeat (1): NOT all primary objectives met + ALL secondary objectives met + hostile alliance has achieved all primary objectives
Draw (2): turn limit reaches + no one has met all primary objectives
Victory (3): ALL primary objectives met + NOT all secondary objectives met
Major Victory (4): ALL primary objectives met + ALL secondary objectives met

Number next to default outcome title is associated to outcome image shown. Scenario outcome image uses following file naming format: outcome_2_X where "X" is the number shown next to every outcome. So image file for Major Victory would be outcome_2_4. If you are creating custom outcomes and do not want separate images for every outcome by editing this number you can control to what image specific outcome will point to.

In the next text field on the right you can define custom title for an outcome and in the text field below you can define custom outcome description. Take a note that editing custom title ONLY will not provide desired result. One needs to edit custom description and custom title as well as add properly named custom image in scenario folder to make it work.
Last edited by uran21 on Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by uran21 »

Observations made on Scenario Editor version 2.2.5.


Triggers are composed of three elements. Trigger definition, measured game action and game reaction to measured action. In short Trigger = action leads to reaction. Actions are called Conditions and reactions are called Effects by the game.

To assign a trigger hit the PLUS sign on the Triggers tab (figure 18).

figure 18

After creating a Trigger certain organizational and functional options become available in Triggers column as well as options to create Conditions and Effects in their respective columns (figure 19).

figure 19

Triggers come with checkbox that makes them enabled or disabled. Disabling a trigger from the start makes the trigger unusable unless it is enabled during the game (figure 20). Repeat frequency can also be set for Triggers. 1 is for only one repetition where effect will happen only once no matter how often condition is met, -1 will repeat the effect every time condition for it is met (figure 21). Trigger can be removed by hitting the MINUS sign on the right of it.

Image Image
figure 20 and 21

Every trigger will have its unique name assigned to it in format Trigger N where N is the number in sequence of created triggers regardless of those being removed. Triggers can be given custom names for better description. This is done by editing Trigger Name field.

Triggers also have a set of other organizational options like creating folders, copying triggers, moving triggers into folders or root folder as well as repositioning them up and down the list.

Trigger Events determines when Condition is going to be checked.

Scenario Start:
Checked when the scenario loads for the first time (before the first turn/deployment phase).

Turn Start:
Checked only at the start of any players turn. In combination with a "Check Turn" condition you can limit it to a specific alliance's turn start. This in turn can be combined with a "trigger counter" condition to delay a trigger from executing X turns after it was enabled (or all the preceding conditions were met).

Capture VP Event:
Checked when VP (hex marked with a flag) changes ownership.

Combat Event:
Checked when an attack action is executed. Can be used in combination with the "Last Kill" condition to use the details of the combat action which called the trigger check.

Move Event:
Checked when a move action is executed. This includes all actions which involve movement such as destroying a bridge, which requires the unit to move 1 hex to conclude the action.

Build Event:
Checked when constructing a bridge or unit (airstrip, bunker, ...)

Any Event:
Checked after any action the player (or AI) makes. This should be used only when there is no other suitable event available. Leaving every trigger on "any" event may lead to slower game performance of you have a lot of complex triggers set up.
Last edited by uran21 on Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by uran21 »

Observation made on Scenario Editor version 2.2.5.

Check Turn

Several conditions could be placed in conditions column. ALL conditions should be met for trigger to make an effect. If conditions are similar to each other previous condition can be copied and required change of only different parameters can be made in copied condition.

With a Check Turn condition one can check for a specific turn by using "= some turn number". It is possible to use < (lesser than) or > (greater than) some turn number or != (not equal to) some turn number by clicking on operator button. If one is interested in using condition where certain range of turns is condition requirement it is done by using two Check Turn conditions. For example one uses "> some turn number" in one check turn condition and "< some turn number" in other check turn condition of a SAME trigger.

If one wants to fire a trigger at scenario end (very convenient for defining objectives of defensive scenarios) he would enable Scenario turn limit checkbox.


One COMPLETE turn consists of turn played by one side and turn played by other side. This complete turn fragmentation depends on number of players included in the scenario. Alliance buttons marked by color of corresponding Alliance can be used to set condition parameter to that sides part of the turn, it is very convenient if the Alliance in question does not move first.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by uran21 »

Observation made on Scenario Editor version 2.2.5.

Kills & Casualties

Killer Definition defines the one who will execute unit destruction. Additional parameters include killer definition by Team, Alliance or Nation. Parameter set to None means killer can be any of Team, Alliance or Nation.

Target Definition defines a unit that is about to be destroyed. Additional parameters include definition of targeted unit by Team, Alliance or Nation.

Amount parameter defines number of units to be destroyed (not unit strength but number of units). One can ask for amount to be equal to (=), lesser than (<), greater than (>) or not equal to (!=) some defined number.

Image Image

Link to objective is used to link destroyed unit counter to specific mission objective which is than displayed on Turn Overview splash screen.

Unit Definition relates to target unit. It is used to filter out units to be destroyed. Several parameters could be used. Defining target by Category (or branch like Land, Naval and Air), defining target by class and defining target by type. Unit Definition is accessed by hitting button on the right, with plus sign on it. Detailed parameters are defined by hitting two buttons that appear after adding Unit Definition. When defining specific unit type scenario designer will be brought to unit list where choice is made by clicking on a unit from a scrollable list. It is possible to add several Unit Definitions. This is used for target combinations. For example if one wants for target units to be all units from air category and carrier class units or any other possible combination.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by uran21 »

Observation made on Scenario Editor version 2.2.5.

Check Hex Owner

Check Hex Owner condition checks ownership of particular hex. Hex is defined through Target Hex button that brings us to map. Clicking on particular hex on map will define that hex as the one to check its ownership. Additional parameters include checking is hex owned by (set by default) or not owned by some Team, Alliance or Nation.

Hex is visible

Hex is visible condition works on the same principle as Check Hex Owner only it checks if particular hex is in spotting range of some Team or Alliance.

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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by dobrodukh »

Thanks for the manual. How to configure a defeat for the player as a result of any event? For example, when capture by the enemy of a certain city. I can't find in the settings for triggers this effect as "defeat".
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by Erik2 »

If the Allies (blue) originally held Akyab and this was the only Allied primary objective, the Allies would suffer a defeat the same turn the Japanese (red) captured Akyab.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by dobrodukh »

It's weird. On my map required task fail the mission, but the player doesn't lose. The player cannot lose even if all tasks do fail.
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Order of Battle - WW2 1.jpg (75.21 KiB) Viewed 13937 times
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by bcnkor5 »

uran21: Thanks for the manual, we hope you will update more things because the editor has many interesting choices to make good future scenarios
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by Uhu »

Thanks for the manual, could you please expand further? There are still a lot of clues.
- How to view town names on the map? How to add new names?
- How exactly do you create dinamic campaign?
- How exactly do work campaing variable, scenario variable?
- How to toggle viewing of units/transports on the map? Or how can I see, what hides in the transport?
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by Uhu »

Everbody, who master already the editor, please, help me on this issues - I already spent days to figure out how to solve this challenges, but I didn' succeded. :(
Pictures below

1., 01 Tolvajeri: I want to bring up a popup message, when the player captures Hotel Isthmus (one of the 2nd VP) after turn 5. The 2nd mission goal is until turn 5, but still I want to give an extra popup. I simply couldn't get it work. Here is, what I tried in the editor, but don't worked:

2., 02 Karelian Isthmus: I want to make an extra mission goal, where the player has to capture 5 additional Soviet owned town sotheast of the Mannerheim line. If he can take and hold them to the end, that will effect the campaign later. I have already problems with the display. The best thing, what I could, was to show the counter (copied from the existing 2nd mission goal display) - but it shows the changes just in the next turn, not in the event of capture. I also do not know, if these towns should be designated
A., as secondary VP's (seperate to the other mission)
B., or should I have designate 5 hexes, witch Check Hexowners command?
I tried both. In first case, the counter (at least - I don't know, if the scenario itself too?) calculates also the other secondary VP's into the summary. With check hex ownership, I couldn't in no way to get it displayed.
As a bonus, I wolud also give a popup screen, when at the last turn, all 5 settlemenst are in the players hand.

3., I would be also thankful, if somebody could answer the questions, written one comment earlier. :)
- Oh, and by the way, what does/different makes the number at Campaign Variable?






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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by Erik2 »

1) This is how I would set it up. But I have also had issues not getting a similar trigger/event setup like this to work.

2) I would go for B. I don't think the system can handle 2 different VP counts.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by Uhu »

Thanks for the answer! Sad - I hoped, you could give mr a solution, why these are not working.
Erik wrote:1) This is how I would set it up. But I have also had issues not getting a similar trigger/event setup like this to work.

2) I would go for B. I don't think the system can handle 2 different VP counts.
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by Uhu »

It seems, that luckily I found the solution for both issues:

1., I just had to click the Target Hex option and choose the hex of the Isthmus Hotel.

2., Although, only 1st and 2nd mission VP's can be set to be counted on the mission goal's screen, while playing the scn. But besides that, with making the list of the 5 Check hex owner trigger order, with Check turn combined, it works. I created two of them: one, when the player capture all 5 settlements - as there is no counter, I inform him at least about the success. :) The second, when the battle is over, and these settlements are still in player's hands. Than a screen will show up again to inform the player about the effect of this achivement (plus another campaign variables will be created).
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Re: Editor Manual - Draft

Post by keithp »


Could I ask for a bit of help on the map issue please.

Can someone explain how you get the template map to appear? I have followed the instructions and have a map saved as template.jpg, when I place it in the folder for the game, and load the game in editor, the map is not there.

Any ideas?

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