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Battle of Troy

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:38 am
by ShadowbendStudios
Hello everyone;
While I understand that according the Homer the "Battle" of Troy lasted some 10 odd years. Has anyone ever tried to create a single scenario around it? I'd be interested to know since my friend and I have been putting together Trojan and Achaean armies.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Battle of Troy

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:27 pm
by azrael86
Well, unless you wanted to do it as some form of RPG, it's not clear what the point would be. After all it's a siege, with occasional sorties, and no little amount of supernatural intervention.

Playing the whole thing would be like gaming the western front in WW1*, so needs to be episodic? Maybe having some form of campaign that allowed for that could involve playing out the sorties and individual combats, but it's not really a FoG thing if you're being Homeric. The ten years is presumably not literal, or at least not a continuous process, given the size of Troy.

The actual sack of Troy is not really a game (unless the trojans can stop the Greeks opening the gates - and if they do then the Greeks inside will definitely lose).

There was a great Trojan chariot battle game run at Salute years ago - didn't play it but it looked highly evocative.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:09 am
by cbaxter
i think you should watch the movie, even though its not that good, and draw on the movie for senerio ideas. it may not be historical, but the move condenced the 10 year war into appox 10 days and there are a few battle scenes in the movie that could be duplicated on the table top. I think it be tight to build the walls of troy and play out the fight where the trojans where boxed in with no retreat, or a trojan assault on the greek camp on the beach. just an idea. when making scenerios shoot for the moon and dream big is what i say.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:50 am
by Andy1972
The movie was very entertaining.. Well i least i thought so.. :wink:

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:24 am
by DrQuahog
I ran Troy scenarios under previous rules sets at the Historicon convention for years. There are many appealing scenarios available for "fair and open ' battles . The initial landings, the battle for the Ships, the battle by the river, the arrival of the Aethiopians etc. Little tweaks like making any unit joined by Achilles or Hector Elite etc could give a nice feel without torturing the rules.