Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Closed

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Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Closed

Post by kronenblatt »

Vae Victis III: Bellum Italicum takes place in the Italian Peninsula and Sicily sometimes during the late fourth century or early third century BC, with the area consisting of a large number of independent tribal communities and city states from different cultures (Gallic, Etruscan, Greek, Roman, Latin, Samnite, Umbrian, Campanian, Carthaginian, Apulian, Lucanian, Syracusan, and Italic Tribal). In addition, Illyrians and Epirotes have established bridgeheads in a few towns or cities along the east coast.

Each player is at outset owning only one such town or city from a specific culture and will with one army attempt to expand through moving and fighting on the hexagon map, conquering new towns and cities (with own as well as other cultures) and fighting all other players in FoG2:Ancients games as part as part of a module specifically made for Vae Victis III: Bellum Italicum!

This campaign has been closed.
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The Latest Map

Post by kronenblatt »

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The Map with Cultures

Post by kronenblatt »

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The Map and the Map Only

Post by kronenblatt »

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The Rules

Post by kronenblatt »


Each player represents a "faction" that belongs to one of fifteen cultures and starts out owning only one Town or City (being his capital throughout the campaign) and one army involved in the wars of Italy (Bellum Italicum) during the late fourth or early third century B.C. All players are competing against each other, and even though several players can belong to the same culture, they are still rivals, separately fighting each other.

The campaign ends as soon as one player at the end of a round can claim victory through being the only one not eliminated or having reached a Score of at least +100. If two or more players claim victory in the same round, the winner is the player with the highest Score, and thereafter (if a tie) the player with the highest number of owned Cities.

A player is considered eliminated when (at the end of a round) his Score reaches -100 or lower or his army has been irrevocably removed from the map due to losing in battle (and with no capital to reappear in). The eliminated player's Towns and Cities (if any) are then taken over by the player fighting the eliminated player in battle that round. (If more than one player, then the player having the largest effect on the eliminated player's score in that round, and if a tie then Towns and Cities are equally shared between these players.)

A player's Score is adjusted by the difference in casualties (inflicted minus suffered, as shown in the upper left corner of the screen when the Field of Glory II: Ancients game ends) in all its battles, whether Type A or Type B, and whether such difference is positive or negative.

Download of version 4 module
  • The VV: Bellum Italicum v4 (version 4) module is needed to set up and play battles with the appropriate main armies and allies.
  • Download the module through the following usual steps:
    1. Click on the Download community scenarios button at the top of the main screen of the game.
    2. Select Vae Victis III Bellum Italicum MP v4.
    3. Click on Download the Selected Campaign.
  • The mod will then be automatically saved into the the My Games\FieldOfGlory2\MULTIPLAYER\ folder, within the MP_BELLUM_ITALICUM_V4 subfolder.
  • (The single-player (SP) version is available for download in the same way, allowing the use of Vae Victis III: Bellum Italicum armies in battles against the AI.)


The cultures are using the base game's army lists as follows:
  • Apulian: Apulian 420-203 BC (allies: Epirote, Greek, Lucanian, Samnite, Campanian, Latin, Umbrian, Syracusan, Hill Tribes, Mercenary)
  • Campanian: Campanian 420-281 BC (allies: Epirote, Greek, Apulian, Samnite, Lucanian, Latin, Illyrian, Syracusan, Hill Tribes, Mercenary)
  • Carthaginian: Carthaginian 340-281 BC (allies: Epirote, Greek, Lucanian, Samnite, Campanian, Latin, Apulian, Syracusan, Hill Tribes, Mercenary)
  • Epirote: Pyrrhic 280-275 BC (allies: Greek, Apulian, Lucanian, Hill Tribes, Syracusan, Samnite, Campanian, Latin, Illyrian, Mercenary)
  • Etruscan: Etruscan 330-280 BC (allies: Gallic, Umbrian, Illyrian, Latin, Samnite, Roman, Campanian, Greek, Hill Tribes, Mercenary)
  • Gallic: Gallic 300-101 BC (allies: Etruscan, Umbrian, Illyrian, Latin, Samnite, Roman, Campanian, Greek, Hill Tribes, Mercenary)
  • Greek: Greek 460-281 BC (allies: Carthaginian, Syracusan, Lucanian, Campanian, Samnite, Roman, Epirote, Apulian, Hill Tribes, Mercenary)
  • Italic Tribal: Italian Hill Tribes 490-275 BC (allies: Gallic, Etruscan, Umbrian, Carthaginian, Syracusan, Greek, Samnite, Roman, Apulian, Mercenary)
  • Illyrian: Illyrian 680 BC - 25 AD (allies: Umbrian, Gallic, Etruscan, Apulian, Samnite, Roman, Latin, Campanian, Hill Tribes, Mercenary)
  • Latin: Latin 490-338 BC (allies: Roman, Campanian, Hill Tribes, Etruscan, Samnite, Umbrian, Illyrian, Apulian, Gallic, Mercenary)
  • Lucanian: Bruttian or Lucanian 420-203 BC (allies: Epirote, Greek, Carthaginian, Samnite, Campanian, Latin, Apulian, Syracusan, Hill Tribes, Mercenary)
  • Roman: Roman 340-281 BC (allies: Latin, Campanian, Hill Tribes, Etruscan, Samnite, Umbrian, Illyrian, Apulian, Gallic, Mercenary)
  • Samnite: Samnite 355-272 BC (allies: Apulian, Campanian, Hill Tribes, Illyrian, Latin, Umbrian, Roman, Lucanian, Greek, Mercenary)
  • Syracusan: Syracusan 412-281 BC (allies: Epirote, Greek, Lucanian, Samnite, Campanian, Latin, Apulian, Carthaginian, Hill Tribes, Mercenary)
  • Umbrian: Umbrian 490-260 BC (allies: Illyrian, Gallic, Etruscan, Apulian, Samnite, Roman, Latin, Campanian, Hill Tribes, Mercenary)
In addition, there is a sixteenth army list available:
  • Mercenary: Greek (Mercenary) 460-281 BC (no allies)


The armies of the players move around and fight armies from other players on the detailed hex map of Italy as portrayed a couple of centuries before the imperial era, with roads, rivers, cities, and towns included and divided up into 15-kilometer-scale hexagons.

Armies are marked on the map with squares, all white and numbered with their players' numbers. Ownership over structures is marked on the map through hexagons with players' numbers, with capitals highlighted with an additional frame around the hexagon. All structures without hexagons are considered independent from each other, each structure being a form of a city state. Thus, an e.g. Etruscan player cannot claim immediate ownership over any other Etruscan Town or City just from him being Etruscan; he must conquer it first, just like any Town or City from any other culture, in order to get to own it.

The colored areas indicate the cultures of the different Towns and Cities. These cultures remain the same, not changing with ownership.

Starting the campaign
  • Each army is placed by its player on the map in the hex of its player's capital.
  • Every individual army starts with a strength of 1600 FP.


Each round consists of the following four phases:

1. Order giving
All players submit movement instructions for their armies, by way of PM to the administrator and in the form specified in GIVING ORDERS below.

2. Movement execution
Armies move simultaneously, move by move, all armies at the same time and with the moves being conducted by the administrator. If any army enters the Zone of Control (ZoC) of an non-owned structure or an army of another player, it will be considered to have completed its movement and will make no further movement that round.

3. Battle resolution
  • Games of battles played in Field of Glory II: Ancients will be fought in the following situations:
    3.1 Armies from different players are located within the each other's ZoCs and/or having the same Town or City within their ZoCs (Type A battle), or
    • If the latter, the outcome of that battle will determine ownership over the Town or City.
    3.2 An army from one player (such army not already to fight at least one Type A or other Type B battle that round) having a a Town or City not owned by that player within its ZoC (Type B battle).
    • The player army will then fight a battle in its hex as attacker against an army defending that Town or City in a fight about ownership over the Town or City.
    • If the player army has more than one Town or City within its ZoC, the player will decide which one to attack.
  • All such battles to be simultaneously played and completed in Field of Glory II: Ancients during a period of three weeks.
4. Administration
4.1. Removal of armies having lost battles.
4.2. movement of armies having drawn or won battles.
4.3. changes of structure ownership.
4.4. placement of armies having lost battles.
4.5. other updates of the map.
4.6. adjustment of army strength.
4.7. miscellaneous.

Giving orders

Each player provides movement instructions for his army at the beginning of every round. These direction of a moves is based on the sides of the hex and the clock:
  • Move up to the right (northeast) = 2
  • Move down to the right (southeast) = 4
  • Move down (south) = 6
  • Move down to the left (southwest) = 8
  • Move up to the left (northwest) = 10
  • Move up (north) = 12
  • Stand still = 0

Movement instructions are expressed as a sequence of individual moves, e.g., 2 4 2 6 0 6, with no other symbols in between, only blanks (for easy copy-pasting by the administrator).

All players submit movement instructions for their armies, by way of PM to the administrator and in the form specified in GIVING ORDERS below. The administrator opens the PMs of the other players only once he has published his own movement instructions.


Each army is allocated 12 movement points (MP) at the beginning of each round.

The cost in MP for moving into a hex with a certain terrain is as follows:
  • Farmlands = 2 MP
  • Desert = 4 MP
  • Hills = 6 MP
  • Marshes = 8 MP
  • Forests = 10 MP
  • Mountains = 12 MP
Road hex
  • The costs above are halved (i.e., divided by 2) if the hex contains Road, provided that the army moves in the same direction as the Road, i.e., entering the hex through a side that the Roads pass through as well.
  • Hexes with Cities or Towns in which Roads end or intersect are also treated as containing Roads for the purpose of MP costs.
River hex
  • +1 MP extra (added after having adjusting for Roads benefit above), unless the hex also contains a City or a Town.
  • The cost for moving into a hex can never be lower than 1 MP or higher than 12 MP.
Peaks and Lakes are impassable.

Each instruction to stand still "move" (i.e., each "0" in the movement sequence) costs 1 MP.

All armies move simultaneously and spend their 12 MP, move by move and if necessary MP by MP, all armies at the same time. The moves are conducted by the administrator and presented once all armies' movements have been completed.

No army can at any point in time be located in the same hex as another army.

If two or more armies from different players are about to move into a specific hex at the same point in time, only one of them will actually be able to do so (the rest of the other armies moving no further that round), namely the army (in the priority order below):
1. having the lowest cost in MP to move into the hex (for this purpose only, without taking into account the floor of 1 MP).
2. having so far spent the fewest MP that round (i.e., before taking into account moving into the hex).
3. having the highest army strength.
4. closest (in hexes) to an owned structure (after the move into the hex having been made).
5. of the player with the highest score.
6. farthest to the north.
7. farthest to the west.

Crossing straits

A "strait" is a Coast hex that is adjacent to two land hexes, separating them from each other. The most obvious examples are the four hexes between Sicilia and the Italian "toe", but basically any Coast hex being adjacent to two land hexes that are in turn not adjacent to each other constitutes a "strait".

An army may directly cross a strait even if the hex on the other side of the strait being crossed is within the ZoC of a structure or another player's army, but it must not move into the location of another player's army or of a structure owned by another player.

Crossing a strait in itself costs no MP but once having crossed the strait and moved into the adjacent land hex (at the MP cost attached to its terrain), the army will be considered to have completed its movement in that land hex and will make no further movement that round.


Towns and Cities are the two different structures present on the map that will have certain effects and implications and that may be of importance to be owned or to wrest out of ownership from enemy players.

Town (if owned during the full round, i.e., from beginning to end)
  • Provides support due to use of part of the Town's garrison, as reflected by additional FP for battles taking place within the Town's ZoC.
    • +30 FP in location of Town.
    • An additional +30 FP if the Town is the player's capital.
City (if owned during the full round, i.e., from beginning to end)
  • Provides support due to use of part of the City's garrison, as reflected by additional FP for battles taking place within the City's ZoC.
    • +60 FP in location of City.
    • +30 FP 1 hex distance from location of City.
    • An additional +30 FP if the City is the player's capital.
Gaining, losing, and retaining ownership over structures
  • A player gains ownership over a structure (whether owned by another player or by no player at all) only if the structure after movement execution (phase 2) is within the ZoC of the player's army, the player has won the battle over that structure (Type B battle) or against another player's army (Type A battle), that structure is (at the end of the round) still within the ZoC of the player's army, and not within the ZoC of any other players' armies.
  • Any other player owning that structure will then be considered to have lost ownership.
  • Thus, in order for a player to lose ownership over a structure, another player must in fact have gained ownership over that structure, and until that occurs the owning player will be considered to still own the structure.

Zones of Control (ZoC)

The ZoC of armies and structures is as follows:
  • Army = 1 hex around location for all land hexes.
  • Town = only its own location for all land hexes, 1 hex around location for Coast hexes.
  • City = 1 hex around location for all land hexes, 2 hexes around location for Coast hexes.
No armies can march through the ZoC of the army of another player or of the structure owned by another player, but will then halt at the first hex that it enters the ZoC and move no further that round.


There are two types of battles, Type A and Type B:
  • Type A: between two players' armies being located within the each other's ZoCs and/or having the same Town or City with their ZoCs.
  • Type B: between one player's army as attacker and a defending Town or City, due to the Town or City being located within the player's army's ZoC.
The battle will in Field of Glory II: Ancients will be set up as follows:
  • Module: VV: Bellum Italicum v4.
  • Scenario: Open Battle.
  • Map size:
    • Large (40 x 32), if Type A, i.e., the battle is between two players' armies.
    • Medium (32 x 32), if Type B, i.e., the battle involves only one player's army as attacker against an opponent defending its Town or City.
  • Map type on the terrain as specified in Map terrain of battles below.
  • Force size for each of the two armies as adjusted in accordance with Army strength and force point adjustment below.
  • Armies and allies can be selected if allowed in accordance with Armies and allies in battles below.
  • No map re-rolls.
  • The player having spent the fewest MP that round normally sets up the battle in-game.
  • Battle is to be concluded within a three-week period.
  • The winner, or the player having incurred the fewest casualties, report the results in this thread.
Players controlling the sides in the battle

Players' armies and player-owned Towns or Cities to be defended are controlled by the players themselves for both Type A and Type B battles.

Map terrain of battles

A Type A battle played out in Field of Glory II: Ancients, i.e., between two player armies, will use the map type and terrain of the location of the army having spent the fewest MP that round (until having completed its movement), or if both armies have spent the same amount of MP that round, in falling priority order in the list below.

If the battle instead is of Type B, i.e., involving only one attacking player army (the opponent defending its Town or City), the map type and terrain of the location of the player army will be used.
  • Farmlands = Agricultural
  • Desert = Desert
  • Hills = Hilly
  • Forests = Wooded
  • Marsh = Marshy
  • Mountains = Mountains
All terrain will be of the Mediterranean map type, e.g., Mediterranean Hilly.

Armies and allies in battles

Main army
  • The player can always use the army list of his culture as the main army in his battles (whether Type A or B battles).
  • Another option as main army is to use the culture of which the player owns more Towns and Cities than any other player.
  • Furthermore, in Type B battles, the defending player may instead (if he wants to) use the culture of that Town or City as his main army.
    • Example: kronenblatt is Campanian but is about to defend the Latin City of Tarracina owned by him, and may then decide to use the Latin army list as his main army in that Type B battle.
  • Mercenary is always allowed as the main army, but only in Type A battles (i.e., players' armies against each other) and without allies.

  • If a player owns at least one Town or City of another culture, his own army can freely (in both its Type A and Type B battles) use that culture as an ally (to the extent that this culture is among the chosen main army's available allies) in all its battles.
  • Mercenary allies can freely be used in Type A battles (i.e., players' armies against each other).
  • Using allies is in these cases always optional for each individual battle and not at all compulsory, and the players decide for each battle whether to use allies or not.
  • Note: If Mercenary is used as the main army (in Type A battles), no allies are allowed.

Outcomes and effects of battles

A player's army having:
  • lost a battle is removed from its hex and placed in its capital.
    • If the player does not own any capital, the army is irrevocably eliminated and permanently removed from the map.
  • drawn a battle moves 2 hexes away from the armies it fought, even if it means moving into the ZoC of an army from another player.
  • won a battle remains in its hex.

Army strength and force point adjustment

Number of FP used in battles
  • Each army will participate in battles with a number of FP as follows:
    • Type A battle (i.e., between two players' armies):
      • Current army strength.
    • Type B battle (i.e., involving only one player's army (the opponent being a culture defending its Town or City):
      • Player's army: the lower of current army strength and 1400 FP.
      • Culture defending its Town or City: 1400 FP if Capital (whether Town or City), 1200 FP if City, 1000 FP if Town.
    • In addition, the following adjustments may apply:
      • +30 (Town), +60 (Town being capital, or City) or +90 (City being capital) FP, if adjustment from owned Towns and Cities (only in Type A battles),
      • -40 FP, if adjustment from River (only applicable upon player armies, but in both Type A and B battles).
Reduction of army strength
  • The level of incurred casualties (as shown in the upper left corner of the screen when the Field of Glory II: Ancients game ends) from battles will reduce the player army's strength going forward.
  • A player's army will suffer army strength reduction from each of its battles.
  • The reduction amounts to:
    • 1 FP per percentage point of incurred casualties for an army winning a battle.
    • 2 FP per percentage point of incurred casualties for an army drawing or losing a battle.
  • The army strength reduction during a round is calculated and becomes effective only at the end of the round, once all battles have been concluded.
  • An army that has been "spawn" in a Type B battle for the defence of a Town or City (whether player-owned or not) against a player's army does not suffer any army strength reductions.
Force point adjustment from structures and terrain

Controlled Towns and Cities
  • An army of a player located within the ZoC of an owned Town or City will adjust its FP for the battle as follows:
    • Town: +30 FP in location of Town (an additional +30 FP if the Town is the player's capital).
    • City: +60 FP in location of City, +30 FP in 1 hex distance from location of City (in both cases, an additional +30 FP if the Town is the player's capital).
  • If at least one of the two armies in a battle is located in a River hex (with no Town or City), the army (if any) that spent the most MP that round (until having completed its movement) will adjust its FP for the battle as follows:
    • -40 FP.
  • If the two armies have spent an equal amount of MP, none of them will suffer a FP penalty.
  • This adjustment aims at reflecting the hazzles of an army having to attack across or along a river, reducing its combat power.
  • This adjustment is applicable for both Type A and Type B battles, but only upon player armies.
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Round 1: Movement instructions

Post by kronenblatt »

Time has come for round 1's order giving and movement instructions and the 12 MP each of your armies have.


Please send to me through replying to my PM by Sunday November 21 (9 PM, Swedish time) at the latest, and just as a simple sequence of individual moves (e.g., 2 4 2 6 0 6), with no other symbols in between, only blanks (for easy copy-pasting by the administrator). I will not open the PMs from any of you guys until I've published my own movement instructions for army #1.

For details, please check Giving orders and Movement in the RULES.

Any questions? Please ask them in this thread, for everyone else to see question and answer.

Don't worry: we'll all hold each other's hands to get to know and understand the rules, etc., together. This is for fun, after all! :)

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Round 1: Executed movements

Post by kronenblatt »


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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by devoncop »

Tyrant Dionysii of Syracuse is disturbed to receive messages from concerned citizens of Heracleia Minoa that a barbarian Carthaginian army is rapidly approaching it gates.

The Tyrant has assured the citizens that should they be subject to any aggression then the full might of the army of Syracuse will speed to their aid, and an ambitious and promising young General has been despatched to the town to ensure it repels any such unprovoked aggression....
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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by GeneralKostas »

A serious struggle is going to begin next days for the Umbrians to dominate and secure the east coast of the Italian Peninsula 8)
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Round 1: Battle resolution

Post by kronenblatt »

Twelve Type B battles to be fought this first round, i.e., all to be set up by the defenders (in bold) below (by November 23 at latest) as follows:
  • Module: VV: Bellum Italicum v2.
  • Scenario: Open Battle.
  • Map size: Medium (32 x 32) (since Type B).
  • Map type: as specified below (since Type B, it's the terrain of the hex in which the attacking armies are located).
  • Force size: 1200 FP for each side, subject to adjustments (e.g., if attackers are bringing Mercenary as allies or main army).
  • Main armies and allies:
    • Attackers: please advise to the defenders which army and ally (if any) you're bringing, normally your culture but Mercenary as ally or main army is allowed (at FP penalty: -25 FP if ally, -50 if main army).
    • Defenders: main army is specified below, but any ally (except for Mercenary) is allowed.
  • No map re-rolls.
  • The winner, or the player having incurred the fewest casualties, reports the results in this thread.
  • Battles to be concluded and reported within four weeks, i.e., by December 21 at latest.

The battles:
  1. Tarracina: kronenblatt versus Giacofa93 (Latin), Mediterranean Agricultural
  2. Tusculum: Aetius39 versus devoncop (Latin), Mediterranean Agricultural
  3. Asculum: GeneralKostas versus shane30 (Umbrian), Mediterranean Hilly
  4. Tauromenium: devoncop versus deeter (Greek), Mediterranean Mountains
  5. Ariminium: Rosedelio versus batesmotel (Umbrian), Mediterranean Agricultural
  6. Thurium: shane30 versus kronenblatt (Lucanian), Mediterranean Agricultural
  7. Barium: dim30 versus Aetius39 (Apulian), Mediterranean Agricultural
  8. Selinus: Giacofa93 versus Rosedelio (Carthaginian), Mediterranean Agricultural
  9. Arretium: deeter versus TomoeGozen (Etruscan), Mediterranean Hilly
  10. Capua: batesmotel versus TheGrayMouser (Samnite), Mediterranean Agricultural
  11. Cingulum: TheGrayMouser versus dim30 (Umbrian), Mediterranean Hilly
  12. Paestum: TomoeGozen versus GeneralKostas (Lucanian), Mediterranean Hilly
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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by kronenblatt »

1. Tarracina: kronenblatt versus Giacofa93 (Latin), Mediterranean Agricultural.

@Giacofa93: I will be fighting with Campanian as main army, no allies.

Thus 1200 FP for me. If I had brought Mercenary allies, I would have fought at 1175 FP (since -25 FP penalty) or if fighting with Mercenary main army with 1150 FP (since -50 FP penalty).

Since I so far control no Towns or Cities other than Campanian, I'm not (yet) allowed to choose any allies than Mercenary.

If I conquer and thus come to own Tarracina (Latin), I'm (as long as I continue to own Tarracina) allowed to bring Latin allies. Should I come to own Roma as well, I'm allowed to choose between Latin and Roman allies (and no allies at all, of course, and Mercenary allies at -25 FP penalty). And so on.
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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by Rosedelio »

5. Ariminium: Rosedelio versus batesmotel (Umbrian), Mediterranean Agricultural

@batesmotel: I'll be fighting with Gallic as the main army, no allies.
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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by GeneralKostas »

3. Asculum: GeneralKostas vs shane30 (Umbrian), Mediterranean Hilly.

@shane30: I will be fighting with Umbrian (490-260 BC) as main army + Gallic (300-101 BC) as allies.
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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by Giacofa93 »

kronenblatt wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 10:10 pm 1. Tarracina: kronenblatt versus Giacofa93 (Latin), Mediterranean Agricultural.

@Giacofa93: I will be fighting with Campanian as main army, no allies. (Thus 1200 FP for me. If I had brought Mercenary allies, I would have fought at 1175 FP (since -25 FP penalty) or if fighting with Mercenary main army with 1150 FP (since -50 FP penalty).)
In the late spring of *insert whatever fictitious year we're playing in* news of the Roman invasion of their fellow Latin tribe of Tusculum hasn't reached the City of Tarracina yet, when a contingent of Roman troops finds itself fighting the campanian invaders together with the local Latin militia.

Game set up, pwd: kron
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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by Giacofa93 »

devoncop wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:39 pm Tyrant Dionysii of Syracuse is disturbed to receive messages from concerned citizens of Heracleia Minoa that a barbarian Carthaginian army is rapidly approaching it gates.

The Tyrant has assured the citizens that should they be subject to any aggression then the full might of the army of Syracuse will speed to their aid, and an ambitious and promising young General has been despatched to the town to ensure it repels any such unprovoked aggression....
To Tyrant Dionysius, who is spending I hope a very enjoyable time in his summer quarters near Catania, I ensure that the power of Carthage means no harm to the civilized citizens of Heracleia Minoa.
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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by kronenblatt »

GeneralKostas wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:01 pm 3. Asculum: GeneralKostas vs shane30 (Umbrian), Mediterranean Hilly.

@shane30: I will be fighting with Umbrian (490-260 BC) as main army + Gallic (300-101 BC) as allies.
Please note though that in order for your army to bring allies from a specific culture, you need to own at least one Town or City with that culture.

Thus, since you don't own any Towns or Cities with Gallic culture (yet), you can't bring Gallic allies.

At this stage, and this goes for everyone, your attacking armies can only bring Mercenary allies, and then at a penalty of -25 FP (i.e., playing at 1175 FP in battle) or play with Mercenary main army (then always without any allies at all) at a penalty of -50 FP (getting 1150 FP in battle).
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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by devoncop »

Challenge to deeter deleted as I am the attacker and deeter as the defender apparently sets up the challenge
Last edited by devoncop on Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by devoncop »

Giacofa93 wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:10 am
devoncop wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:39 pm Tyrant Dionysii of Syracuse is disturbed to receive messages from concerned citizens of Heracleia Minoa that a barbarian Carthaginian army is rapidly approaching it gates.

The Tyrant has assured the citizens that should they be subject to any aggression then the full might of the army of Syracuse will speed to their aid, and an ambitious and promising young General has been despatched to the town to ensure it repels any such unprovoked aggression....
To Tyrant Dionysius, who is spending I hope a very enjoyable time in his summer quarters near Catania, I ensure that the power of Carthage means no harm to the civilized citizens of Heracleia Minoa.

If ever there was a statement that said more by what it did not say than what it did then that is it ....are you a professional diplomat ? :D
The Tyrant takes note of such evasive words ....
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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by kronenblatt »

Thurium: shane30 versus kronenblatt (Lucanian), Mediterranean Agricultural.

Game set up now with shane30 (Greek, no allies) and kronenblatt (Lucanian, EDIT: Carthaginian allies).

Password: THURIUM

PM sent.

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Re: Vae Victis III - Bellum Italicum: Ongoing

Post by GeneralKostas »

3. Asculum: GeneralKostas vs shane30 (Umbrian), Mediterranean Hilly.

@shane30: I will be fighting with Umbrian (490-260 BC) as main army + Mercenary allies (1175 FP)

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