Endsieg brings you to the last two frantic years of war, where you will fight on the German side.
The expansion is the third of a trilogy: you started the war in Blitzkrieg, and then fought against the Russian bear in Panzerkrieg. Now you can carry-over your core force to a new campaign and finish what you started.
It wlll be a desperate struggle to contain the Soviet advance in the east as well as the Allied offensive in the west, and you will need all your leadership and planning skill if you want to hold on your conquests.
Endsieg features a 16 scenarios long branching campaign - get ready for a few surprises! Will you be able to change history? It is a real must-have for all Order of Battle fans, also introducing new specialization options for Germany as well as over sixty new unit types!

Endsieg will be featured in today's stream by none other than general Agrippa Maxentius. Tune in at 6 pm GMT on our Twitch channel and stay with us!