Combining solitary and online play

Field of Glory II is a turn-based tactical game set during the Rise of Rome from 280 BC to 25 BC.
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Corporal - 5 cm Pak 38
Corporal - 5 cm Pak 38
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Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:29 am

Combining solitary and online play

Post by Sull51 »

An idea to promote both off line and online play would be to select an epic battle that you would practice playing both sides on your home computer
After achieving a level of skill you would go online and play the epic battle (both sides) and be given a score on a leader board After a set period a multiplayer match “There can only be one” of the top leader board scores The final game can be shown on Youtube.
This offline online gaming concept could be a way of promoting the next DLC if one of the epic battles was chosen and made available before the rest of the DLC came out
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