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Moving Scenarios

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 2:05 am
by SquadLeaderGGpa
Probably a rookie question here, but....
I created a scenario.
I created it in the wrong campaign.
Tried moving it to correct campaign through Windows File Explorer.
Dragged an dropped scenario from one campaign to the other.
No longer shows in wrong campaign.
Shows and can open in correct campaign, but...
It is all buggered up - No units, terrain all gray, throws me out for failing mission instantly.
Should I have moved (dragged and dropped) something more than just Scenario?


Re: Moving Scenarios

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:33 pm
by pipfromslitherine
It would depend on the campaigns, what other files are included in them etc. 99% should be fine if you move the BAM and (optional) BSF file, but some need specific squads files etc.

