Imperium Romanum - part I (the Rise): Abandoned

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Imperium Romanum - part I (the Rise): Abandoned

Post by kronenblatt »

This campaign focuses on the rise of the Roman empire across the centuries, with each player starting as (and with only) Rome on his own map around the end of the fourth century BC, moving forward in time in increments of decades, attacking and trying to conquer provinces in Field of Glory II: Ancients battles with Roman armies pitted against enemy armies appropriate for the period in question and the historical situation at that time in that province (if Rome had already conquered that province historically at that time, a civil war battle between two Roman armies will be fought instead). Provinces are never lost, only gained, but Roman vitality and ultimate decay is represented by the Virtus variable and a corresponding (and inevitably declining) FP advantage for the Roman player. As Virtus is reduced, the Roman player's FP advantage will deteriorate and vanish, until finally his Roman expansion will halt (and Part II: the Fall will take on, as a separate campaign).

This campaign will be fought over 11 rounds. The winner of the campaign isn't then necessarily the player who has expanded the most, since also won battles as defender against Roman attacks on the other players' maps will be taken into account.

Abandoned at the beginning of round 9 due to too few participants.

Battles will be fought using paul59's brilliant TT Mod (v.1.5.32b).

Round 9 (30 - 70 AD)

  • Aetius39 (Virtus 8, defender victories 5)
  • dim30 (Virtus 7, defender victories 4)
  • Doyley50 (Virtus 3, defender victories 1)
Attack declarations
  • Aetius39
  • dim30
  • Doyley50
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Current Maps

Post by kronenblatt »



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Post by kronenblatt »


The Imperium Romanum: Part I - the Rise campaign focuses on the expansion of Rome throughout the centuries, starting in the late fourth century BC, at a time when Rome started to dominate central Italy, and with an open end, depending on when the player has exhausted the expansional momentum or 'Virtus' of his Roman empire.

Each player represents Rome on his own map, attacking adjacent provinces in attempts to expand. The attacks are resolved in Field of Glory 2: Ancients, with the opponents being the other players in the campaign (in this case, representing the provincial defenders).

The campaign uses the TT Mod v1.5.32b by paul59, the specific army lists depending on the actual time period of the attack and (with respect to the defenders) on the province being attacked.

End of campaign and victory conditions

The end of the campaign occurs when the Virtus level of all players at the end of a round are zero or lower. The winner of the campaign is then the player with the highest sum of (i) controlled provinces and (ii) won battles as defender against Roman attacks on other players' maps, and, if a tie, the player who has won the most battles as defender against Roman attacks on other players' maps. If still a tie, the player wins who controls the province farthest away from Italia (calculated as the shortest route of number of provinces in between).


The map consists of 41 provinces, connected to each other by land or across sea (as shown by dark grey lines).


Each player has his own map, showing his expansion and controlled provinces as highlighted by color. In part I: the Rise, control over provinces can only be gained, never lost.

Every province uses its own map terrain (1 or 2 different, depending on province), applied in the battles in Field of Glory: Ancients.



Virtus (from Latin vir, "man") was a specific virtue in ancient Rome, carrying connotations of valor, manliness, excellence, courage, character, and worth, all perceived as masculine strengths. As such, it was a frequently stated virtue of Roman emperors, and was personified as a deity.

In the Imperium Romanum campaign, Virtus represents the vitality and vigour (as opposites to decay and decadence) of the Roman empire. The higher the level for a player, the larger the FP adjustment available to the player's battles and the opportunities to make several attacks in the same round.

Virtus will irrevocably, as part of 'time decay', drop by 1 for all players at the beginning of every five rounds (i.e., rounds 5, 10, 15, etc.).

The Virtus FP adjustment can in each round be divided up into equal parts of minimum 20 each, allowing attacks on that many provinces in the same round. For example, a Virtus level of 8 results in a FP Adjustment of 80, which can be divided into up to four equal parts, allowing for up to four attacks on different provinces that round (but he can still decide to e.g. make only one attack with his +80 FP all concentrated to that attack and battle, or make two attacks at +40 FP each). Once the Virtus level is 3 or lower, only one attack is allowed per round, and once a player's Virtus level is below 0, he is not allowed to make any attacks at all for the remainder of the campaign.


Starting point

At outset, round 1 (340 - 290 BC), every player controls only the province of Italia, has a Virtus level of 10, and can make only one attack.



Every round corresponds to a certain time period, which will determine which army lists that are available and (as part of 'time decay') which additional FP adjustments that apply to all attackers in battles in that round and whether Virtus will drop irrevocably for all players by 1 at the beginning of the round (see table below).

Each round consists of the following three phases:

1. Attack declarations: All players announce at the same time which attack or attacks that their Roman empires intend to make.
  • A player can only make as many attacks as the lower of what is allowed by his Virtus level at the beginning of the round (see Virtus above) and the round in question (see table below):
  • Thus, in the first round, a player can only make one attack, in the second round, a maximum of two attacks, and is never allowed to make more than five attacks in any round, always subject to the limitation imposed by his Virtus level.
2. Battle resolutions: All battles will be simultaneously played and completed in FoG2:Ancients during a period of four weeks.

3. Administration: changes of province control and adjustment of Virtus levels.


  • An attack involves the player (the "attacker") making an attack from one of his controlled provinces upon a connected uncontrolled province (the "defender").
  • A player's attack declarations must include the following information:
    • The Roman army list (and allies, if any) used by the player in his attack.
    • The province attacked.
      • Only provinces connected (by land or sea) to already controlled provinces can be attacked.
      • A player may attack a specific province not more than once each round, thus if making several attacks in a round, each attack must be made on a separate province.
      • If a player has lost two battles in attacks upon a certain province, he is not allowed to attack that province anymore for the remainder of the campaign.
    • The player's Virtus FP adjustment for the attack (basically his total Virtus FP adjustment divided by the number of attacks that he is making that round).
    • The map terrain, if he (as attacker) decides to make that selection.
    • The player to be his opponent as defender.
      • Any of the other players can be chosen (whether such players can still make attacks of their own or not), but that player can not be chosen again until all other players thereafter have in between been chosen as opponents too (if possible, please also choose opponents who haven't yet been chosen that round, in order to distribute games evenly among players in each round).
    • Example (for round 3, 240 - 190 BC): Roman 199 - 106 BC attacks Lugdunensis. +60 FP. North European Wooded. Aetius39 as opponent.

Army lists

Main army
  • The attacker selects a Roman army whose time period overlaps the current round's.
    • Example: In round 3 (240 - 190 BC), Roman 280 - 220 BC, Roman 219 - 200 BC, and Roman 199 - 106 BC are all permitted.
  • The defender selects an army whose time period overlaps or (if no such overlapping time period exists) succeeds the current round's and whose geographic location fits the attacked province. If no such army is available, he will use the same Roman army list as the attacker as part of a civil war battle.
    • Example: In round 3 (240 - 190 BC), Germanic Foot Tribes 105 BC - 259 AD would be allowed for Germania Citerior, since there are no earlier army lists available for that province, but since this army list exists, Germanic Foot Tribes 260 - 599 AD and Germanic Horse Tribes 260 - 492 AD are not permitted.
    • Example: In round 6 (90 - 50 BC), no non-Roman army list is available for Apulia since historically already conquered by the Romans, why the defender's army will be the same as the Roman player's army (i.e., Roman 105 - 25 BC).
    • Please use a generous, friendly and constructive approach, both when it comes to selecting army lists (especially as defender) and when it comes to approving or disapproving such army lists (especially as attacker).
    • In the unlikely situation that agreement on a selected army list can not be made between the attacker and the defender, the other players in the campaign will vote as part of adjudication, and if needed, with the campaign administrator holding the casting vote.
  • The attacker is allowed to choose any allies, whose time period overlaps the current round's and whose geographic location fits a province he has already conquered.
  • The defender doesn't use any allies.

  • The defender creates the challenge (with himself as Side B) in the FoG2:Ancients Multiplayer Lobby.
  • The attack will take the form of a Custom Battle:
    • Scenario: Open Battle.
    • Turn limit: 24 turns.
    • Map size: Wide (40x32).
    • Force size: Large (1600 FP) force size for both attacker and defender, however for the attacker adjusted cumulatively as follows:
      • The FP adjustment from the round in question (e.g., -20 FP for round 8 (10 BC - 30 AD)).
      • The FP adjustment from the attacker's Virtus level (as divided in equal parts among all his attacks that round).
      • -30 FP if the attacker has specified the map terrain (and more than one map terrain is available for the attacked province).
      • +30 FP if the attacker hasn't specified the map terrain (and more than one map terrain is available for the attacked province).
    • Map type: the map terrain as specified by the attacker (if in the attack declaration) or (otherwise) as selected by the defender, among the alternatives available for the attacked province.
    • No map re-rolls will be made.

Outcomes and effects of battles

  • The player routing the enemy is considered the victor.
  • If neither player routs the enemy, it is considered a draw.
  • Battle outcome, once resolved, is posted by the victor or the player inflicting the highest casualties, in a post in the campaign thread.
  • Each lost battle reduces the attacker's Virtus by 1 (draws and wins do not reduce Virtus).
  • A won battle results in the attacker gaining control over the attacked province.
  • Two drawn battles in attacks upon a province (whether in consecutive rounds or not) results in the attacker gaining control over that province.
  • Two lost battles in attacks upon a province (whether in consecutive rounds or not) results in the attacker being prohibited from attacking that province again for the remainder of the campaign.
  • Every four won battles benefits the defender (as Roman player on his own map) through increasing his own Virtus by 1, up to a level (but not exceeding) of 10 minus the Virtus 'time decay'.
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Round 1 (340-290 BC): Attack declarations

Post by kronenblatt »

This first round (340 - 290 BC) only allows for 1 attack, each player having a Virtus level of 10 (corresponding to +200 FP adjustment) and starting out of Italia, thus you can only attack provinces connected to Italia by land or sea.

If you decide to select the map terrain of the province attacked (then doing so in the attack declaration), then there's a -40 FP adjustment, and if you leave that to the defender, then you'll get a +40 FP adjustment (in both cases of course only if there's more than one map terrain to choose from for that particular province).

We can all submit our attack declarations at the same time, not needing to wait for each other, in this thread by Sunday (February 20) at the latest.

A player's attack declarations must include the following information:
  • The Roman army list (and allies, if any) used by the player in his attack.
  • The province attacked.
  • The player's Virtus FP adjustment for the attack (basically his total Virtus FP adjustment divided by the number of attacks that he is making that round).
  • The map terrain, if he (as attacker) decides to make that selection.
  • The player to be his opponent as defender.
    • Any of the other players can be chosen (whether such players can still make attacks of their own or not), but that player can not be chosen again until all other players thereafter have in between been chosen as opponents too.
  • Example (for round 3, 240 - 190 BC): Roman 199 - 106 BC attacks Lugdunensis. +120 FP. North European Wooded. Aetius39 as opponent.
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kronenblatt's attack declaration (1, 340-290 BC)

Post by kronenblatt »

Roman 340 - 281 BC attacks Cisalpina. +200 FP. Mediterranean Agricultural. dim30 as opponent.

Since I chose the map terrain for my attack in Cisalpina, I'll suffer a -40 FP adjustment on top of my original +200, thus resulting in +160 FP in this battle.

dim30 will now select a historically appropriate (or at least plausible) army list (no allies) for the area of Cisalpina during the years 340 - 290 BC, which will constitute my opponents.
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by Aetius39 »

Aetius' Roman 340 - 281 BC attacks Apulia. +200 FP. Mediterranean Agricultural. deeter as opponent (rolled dice^^)

Total 160 extra FP (-40 because I chose terrain)

***Questions: Do we only pick an opponent that isn't chosen yet, or can someone be chosen several times? Also, there is an Apulian army. Does deeter have to take that, or can he take something similar?
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by kronenblatt »

Aetius39 wrote: Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:28 am Questions
Do we only pick an opponent that isn't chosen yet, or can someone be chosen several times?
Ideally someone who isn’t chosen yet, in order for everyone to get roughly the same number of battles. Of course, in later rounds, that may not be entirely possible, since opponents will need to be rotated. But at least roughly.
Aetius39 wrote: Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:28 am Also, there is an Apulian army. Does deeter have to take that, or can he take something similar?
Apulia just happens to be the name of the province; no link to the army list and no restrictions based on that. Instead what matters is the geographic coverage of the province on the map, and deeter can pick any non-Roman army list (no allies) that was present there during that time period, i.e., historically appropriate (or at least plausible) for the province of Apulia (as drawn on the map) during the years 340 - 290 BC.

From the rules
The defender selects an army whose time period overlaps or (if no such overlapping time period exists) succeeds the current round's and whose geographic location fits the attacked province. If no such army is available, he will use the same Roman army list as the attacker as part of a civil war battle.
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by Aetius39 »

kronenblatt wrote: Sat Feb 19, 2022 7:03 am
Aetius39 wrote: Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:28 am Questions
Do we only pick an opponent that isn't chosen yet, or can someone be chosen several times?

Aetius39 wrote: Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:28 am Also, there is an Apulian army. Does deeter have to take that, or can he take something similar?
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by Doyley50 »

Apulia and Cisalpina have already been attacked, am I allowed to also attack either of these areas or must I choose another?
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by kronenblatt »

Doyley50 wrote: Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:47 pm Apulia and Cisalpina have already been attacked, am I allowed to also attack either of these areas or must I choose another?
You’ve got your own map (all players got their own maps), so you can attack whatever’s available on that map (i.e., all provinces connected to the provinces you control, currently only Italia), without worrying about the other players’ attacks. :)

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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by kronenblatt »

Orders from dim30:

Roman 340 - 281 BC attacks Sardinia et Sicilia. +200 FP. Mediterranean Agricultural. Doyley50 as opponent.

Since the attacker chose the map terrain, he'll suffer a -40 FP adjustment on top of the stated +200, thus resulting in +160 FP in this battle.
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by Doyley50 »

Doyley50, Roman 340-281BC attacks Cisalpina, Med. Agricultural . FP160, kronenblatt as opponent.
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by deeter »

Roman 340 - 281 BC attacks Apulia. +200 FP. Mediterranean Agricultural. Aetius as opponent.

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Round 1 (340-290 BC): Battle resolutions

Post by kronenblatt »

Battles (Round 1, 340 - 290 BC)
  1. Aetius39 as Roman 340 - 281 BC (1760 FP) attacks Apulia (Mediterranean Agricultural) with deeter (1600 FP) as opponent.
  2. deeter as Roman 340 - 281 BC (1760 FP) attacks Apulia (Mediterranean Agricultural) with Aetius39 (1600 FP) as opponent.
  3. dim30 as Roman 340 - 281 BC (1760 FP) attacks Sardinia et Sicilia (Mediterranean Agricultural) with Doyley50 (1600 FP) as opponent.
  4. Doyley50 Roman 340-281BC (1760 FP) attacks Cisalpina (Mediterranean Agricultural) with kronenblatt (1600 FP) as opponent.
  5. kronenblatt as Roman 340 - 281 BC (1760 FP) attacks Cisalpina (Mediterranean Agricultural) with dim30 (1600 FP) as opponent.
Please note
  • The defender selects an army list from the TT Mod v1.5.32b, whose time period overlaps the current round's (340 - 290 BC) and whose geographic location fits the attacked province.
    • Please use a generous, friendly and constructive approach, both when it comes to selecting army lists (especially as defender) and when it comes to approving or disapproving such army lists (especially as attacker) :).
  • The defender thereafter creates the game (with himself as Side B), using the TT Mod v1.5.32b by February 25 at the latest, posting in this thread and PM'ing the attacker.
  • The attack will take the form of a Custom Battle:
    • Scenario: Open Battle.
    • Turn limit: 24 turns.
    • Map size: Wide (40x32).
    • Force size: as per above.
    • Map type: as per above.
    • No map re-rolls will be made.
  • The winner, or the player having incurred the fewest casualties, reports the results in this thread.
  • Battles to be concluded and reported within four weeks, i.e., by March 25 at latest.

Please note the following about outcomes and effects of battles

  • The winner of the campaign as a whole is the player who has won the most battles as defender against Roman attacks on other players' maps.
  • The player routing the enemy is considered the victor.
  • If neither player routs the enemy, it is considered a draw.
  • Battle outcome, once resolved, is posted by the victor or the player inflicting the highest casualties, in a post in the campaign thread.
  • Each drawn battle reduces the attacker's Virtus by 1 and each lost battle by 2.
  • A won battle results in the attacker gaining control over the attacked province.
  • Two drawn battles in attacks upon a province (whether in consecutive rounds or not) results in the attacker gaining control over that province.
  • Two lost battles in attacks upon a province (whether in consecutive rounds or not) results in the attacker being prohibited from attacking that province again for the remainder of the campaign.
  • Every four victories increases his own Virtus (as Roman player on his own map) by 1.
=> Thus, there's every incentive (hopefully, but let's evaluate later on) for you as defenders to put up a good fight, not only because it's a casual campaign for fun, but also its the victories as defender in those battles that count in the end and you'll also get your Virtus (for you, when playing as Roman on your own map) increased for every four victories as defender. :)
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by kronenblatt »

Doyley50 Roman 340-281BC (1760 FP) attacks Cisalpina (Mediterranean Agricultural) with kronenblatt (1600 FP) as opponent.

Have now set up this battle, with me defending as Etruscan 330-280 BC.

password: CISALPINA

PM sent.
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by Doyley50 »

dim30 Roman340-281 (1760FP) attacks Sardinia et Silicia with Doyley50 (1600FP) defending as Syracuseans

Game set up, pwd 1234. PM sent.
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by dim30 »

kronenblatt as Roman 340 - 281 BC (1760 FP) attacks Cisalpina (Mediterranean Agricultural) with dim30 (1600 FP) as opponent.

The gallic lowland tribes have gathered to repeal Roman legions
Game created.
pw: cisalpina
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by dim30 »

Doyley50 wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:14 am dim30 Roman340-281 (1760FP) attacks Sardinia et Silicia with Doyley50 (1600FP) defending as Syracuseans

Game set up, pwd 1234. PM sent.
Sardinia is now a roman area. Victory 13/40.
A good fight but the 160pts difference is huge to deal with.
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by kronenblatt »

kronenblatt as Roman 340 - 281 BC (1760 FP) attacks Cisalpina (Mediterranean Agricultural) with dim30 (1600 FP) as opponent.

=> kronenblatt defeats dim30 49-22.
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Re: Imperium Romanum - part I: the Rise

Post by kronenblatt »

dim30 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:15 pm
Doyley50 wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:14 am dim30 Roman340-281 (1760FP) attacks Sardinia et Silicia with Doyley50 (1600FP) defending as Syracuseans

Game set up, pwd 1234. PM sent.
Sardinia is now a roman area. Victory 13/40.
A good fight but the 160pts difference is huge to deal with.
... and Sicilia. :) Congrats, Stéphane!

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