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British Income Bug?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:32 pm
by dagtwo
In a current game (CEAW v1.12 GS v2.12b01) my opponent conquered all of Britain except Scapa Flow. I still have Gibraltar, Malta and Canada. On turn 50 he did a DOW of Russia. For some reason my British income dropped to 0. Has anyone else seen this?

Re: British Income Bug?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:30 am
by Peter Stauffenberg
Who controls Iraq and Persia?

With the Axis DoW upon Russia Persia and Iraq will become UK controlled. 15 UK production will be sent via the southern lend lease to Russia.

Re: British Income Bug?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:40 am
by GogTheMild
So if Britain's total PP, including Persia, is 15 or less then her PP output will go to zero and that is how it is meant to be? I guess that's a rhetorical question. (Very generous of the UK war effort.)

I make Britain's total PP income exactly 15. (The Ahwaz oil fell first turn.) Assuming Industry level 0. If more PPs in Persia are captured will Britain's PP 'income' become negative?

Re: British Income Bug?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:06 pm
by GogTheMild
The powers that be might want to think about tweaking this rule.

I am Dagtwo's opponent. I did a successful Sealion. Britain only holds Scarpa Flow. Then overran Iraq. When I DoWed Russia I was, obviously, straight into Persia. Britain now has an income of 10, but is donating 15 to Russia each turn. Ie it has a net income each turn of negative 5.

It does not seem to reflect any realistic aspect of likely events that Britain would let this happen. I am not even sure what reality is being modeled by Britain donating PPs which it doesn't actually have.

Possibly a tweak so that the southern lend lease never exceeds 50% (say) of Britain's total (non-convoy) income?

And does the southern lend lease stop if the Axis capture Tehran? If not, perhaps it should.