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Engineer Types

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:03 am
by LandMarine47
Me and Cavehobbit have been thinking about adding different types of engineers each with a script designed to take on a certain role

Pontoon Engineer
He can build and lay down bridges (Due to equipment it can only move once per turn and must move around by transport)

Demolitions Engineer
He is in charge or clearing tank traps and minefields as well as setting charges on bridges.

He will lay down minefields and tank traps to aid you. (He also moves very slowly due to eqiupment)

By adding these troops it will make engineers much more valuable units and instead of frontline soldiers they will solely be in charge of helping the player to a specific role. These are where they will most likley be at scenario wise

Pontoon Engineer
He will be around for only offensive operations

Demo Engineer
He will be an all rounder in offenseive and defenseive operations

He will be around for defensive operations

Giving them all these codes will cause a delay in the (hopefully) final build. Sorry :oops: