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Bug/Annoyance - No extra development after Spacewalk

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:20 am
by Drewpan
Hi Guys,

Not sure if you meant it this way, but I just did my first EVA in which was successful. In the
Mission Debrief afterwards all of my Astronauts and Controllers got a Training increase as was expected,
but only my Booster and Capsule got an RnD boost.

I would have thought that if I have to RnD my space suits then I should also get an RnD boost when I use
them successfully. Since the Docking mission is to come, I would expect the same with the Agena.

Will attach the Save Game for you to look at but it may be an oversight not a Bug per se.


Andrew (Drewpan)

Re: Bug/Annoyance - No extra development after Spacewalk

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:13 pm
by Nacho84
Hello Andrew,

Notice that your EVA suit got an improvement of 9.4%, see the attached screenshot.


Re: Bug/Annoyance - No extra development after Spacewalk

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:49 am
by Drewpan

Missed that. Sorry forgot to check the actual EVA step.

Maybe an extra Mission Summary step showing the Final Outcome and ALL training and tech increases
would be useful as some of the missions have LOTS of steps, ie joint missions have more than 20.


Andrew (Drewpan)