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It is a really massive update - including emergency jumps, the new strategic advisor, squadron groups, new objectives for Skirmish, the option to play against Colonial AI in Skirmish and much more. The developers worked hard to improve the game following feedback and suggestions from players, and it culminated in the Firepower update.
You can download the update from the Members' Area or directly from this link.
You can read the changelog down below. Have fun and good luck, Admiral!
Reinforcement Pack DLC Support
The following new ships are available when the Reinforcements Pack DLC is installed:
Colonial "Berserk" Assault Carrier.
- An assault carrier that focuses on firepower and reactiveness, the Berzerk is a fast and effective force multiplier for Colonial Fleet.
Colonial "Janus" Heavy Cruiser
- Janus is an old Gemenon heavy cruiser with high munitions capacity
Cylon "Phobos" Tech Cruiser
- The Phobos is a large Cylon tech ship that acts as a mobile command centre when a basestar’s immobility would be a liability.
Cylon "Cerastes" Destroyer
- The Cerastes is a new response to the never-ending escalation of space superiority fighter design.
All ships are available in Skirmish (single player) and Multiplayer. In campaign mode, Berserk is available immediately; Janis ships can be unlocked during the campaign.
The following new munitions are available when the Reinforcements Pack DLC is installed:
- Colonial Proximity Mines. Set these up and when an enemy ship gets to close, the mine detonates.
- Colonial EMP Mines. These mines do subsystem damage, instead of armour/hull damage.
- Cylon Homing Cluster Mines.
Mines can be disarmed by fighters.
All mines are available in Skirmish (single player) and Multiplayer. In campaign mode, Colonial Proximity mines are available immediately; EMP mines can be unlocked during the campaign.
- Added Cylon Fleets with DLC ships (almost double the amount in most tiers)
- Set DLC saves (saves containing DLC ships) as non interactable in the load game panel when DLC is not enabled.
- When loading a mid-battle save with DLC munitions (but no DLC ships), the munitions are now swapped with guided munitions (instead of getting rid of the entire ship) when DLC is not enabled.
- Updated DLC blueprint descriptions.
Changes to Base Game
The changes and fixes below are available in the base game, regardless of whether the Reinforcement Pack DLC is installed or not.
- Emergency Jump.
> It's possible to do an emergency jump from inside a battle for a Skirmish or Resource mission. There is a Tylium cost.
- Strategic Advisor
> Completely changed the layout of the Economy Panel to become the strategic advisor panel. This includes a quorum status, colonial fleet priority, COMINT Advisory and Daidalos Bonus section.
- Skirmish - Colonial Fleets
> Player created Colonial fleets can be used by the AI in a skirmish battle
- Skirmish - Objectives
> Added several new objectives to Skirmish battles, Defend Civilians and Destroy Facility
- Squadron Groups - New system to group fighter squadrons together. Orders given to a single squadron are applied to all squadrons in the group. Assign/de-assign from the Action menu.
- Decreased blueprint costs for most ships
- Only showed this as the title in the story mission briefing if the articles of colonization were disabled: "Colonial Fleet must reinstate the alliance of the Twelve Colonies."
- Deployment height range doubled for all mines
- Used the order of ships in the ship selector UI as a reference when using the shoulder buttons to select ships (on gamepad). The order was left to right, top to bottom.
- Decreased number of units in reinforcement fleets
- Decreased chances of reinforcement event by 50%
- Increased escalation growth by 50% and decreased wait time by 30% so that reinforcement events occur earlier in battle
- Improvement to target selection using gamepad
> Allowed camera movement when selecting a target
> Allowed selecting other targets with the gamepad reticule when moving the camera around. The confirm target prompt only appears if the reticule is over the currently selected ship.
> Disabled joystick UI selection while selecting a hack target (left stick used for camera movement, d-pad used for subsystem selection)
- Waypoint in Mission 8 moved so that MkIIs can't reach them before the objective resolves
- Refreshed all 3D panels at the start of a turn (including the intelligence screen)
- Refreshed the intelligence screen whenever a new mission marker appeared
- Displayed Tylium while in the war room simulation and battle queue phase
- Displayed Tylium amount after supply costs were removed in the FTL injection panel
- Increased Phobos FPV from 1050 to 1100
- Increased minimum of Pitch and Yaw subsystem controls on most Cylon ships, decreasing the effective ceiling of these stats to prevent "dive" speed
- Increased Cylon Point Defence ROF range and target tracking angles
- Decreased Talon Hull Points and Max Pitch
- Increased Revenant Max Pitch
- Adjusted tutorials to fit around new Intelligence screen
- Renamed Economy button to Intelligence
- Removed prox detonation from one of transports in Chapter 12 (too close to spawn pad)
- Auto-save during a battle if it was won, when the post battle panel appears (only during the campaign). This allows for more convenient campaign resume if the video capture system fails
- Hid the View Replay button if less than 2 rounds were stored in the RecorderAgent
- Increased supply cost of Colonial Torpedoes
- Decreased supply cost of Utility squadrons
- Closed the public lobby panel completely when failing to join a room
- Decreased Arachne broadside armour
- Decreased Arachne Max Velocity
- Made Fighter Squadron AI, as well as Cylon and Colonial fighter AI brains have a 50% less chance of attacking a ship firing flak
- Changed Talon dorsal weapons to Light Dorsal
- Adamant max elevation reduced
- Minotaur max elevation increased
- Cylon ships size class 2 and 3 max pitch decreased
- Revenant and Nemesis Navigation subsystem tweaks
- Alteration to display of values in ship info panel, when between 0 and 1, round up (so zero is not displayed), otherwise round down (so max value is only displayed at 100%)
- Moved the sun in Dark Nebula skirmish4 map
- Swapped positions of battlestar Fire Control and Armory subsystems
- Increased Battlestar Artillery damage
- Increased accuracy of Cylon Heavy gun
- Improved Cylon Heavy gun rate of fire
- Improved Revenant broadside rate of fire
- Increased Tylium and RP yield of most Resource Missions
- Decreased delay between generation of Resource Missions
- Removed 3750FV fleet from Tier 0 in CylonFleetComposer, to prevent this fleet appearing in Easy mode
- When using a gamepad, pressing Left Stick no longer selects the nearest ship (only Button0 can be used) to avoid conflict with Replay Controls using Left Stick to enable Autocam
- When using a gamepad, used the order of ships in the ship selector UI as a reference when using the shoulder buttons to select ships. The order was left to right, top to bottom.
- Waypoint in Mission 8 moved so that MkIIs can't reach them before the objective resolves
- Added checks to make sure target assets were linked to objectives on resume. This included story mission 11 (Virgon Station), 12 (Caprica Terminal) and 14 (Avalon)
- Standardised spawn point heights in skirmish2 (Frontier)
- Pressing 'Start'/'Menu' button will now pause the simulation on gamepad.
- 'Paused' text appears at the bottom of the screen while the simulation is paused
- Various improvements to FTL Insertion when using a gamepad
- Ship action menu changes and gamepad action menu shortcuts are more consistently positioned
- FIX: Potential crash when the intro video is finished
- FIX: Made Daidalos not count toward the ship limit of a fleet
- Fixed Bug: [Multiplayer] Ships are not using Yaw in multiplayer
- Fixed BUG: The story mission becomes visible again after doing a roaming or resource mission battle, or when reloading a save. It then goes back to invisible during the next turn. The story mission should update itself during the war room initialisation.
- FIX: Adjustments to Nemesis explosions positioning and model swap timing
- Fixed Bug: SIGINT advisory screen displays incorrect tylium and trend data on loading game
- Fixed Bug: Collision zones do not get turned off after a ship is destroyed
- Fixed Bug: Ships are being identified and are appearing again after being destroyed
- Fixed Bug: Transport armour display
- Fixed Bug: Heavy Raiders won't board if target is moving too fast
- Fixed Bug: SIGINT displaying Resource Mission on Avalon
- Fixed Bug: AI Cylons sometimes don't move
- Fixed Bug: War Room Camera rotates weirdly after exiting Build ships, economy, BP, or Officer Menus
- Fixed Bug: Multiple planets selected when selecting a jump location
- Fixed Bug: Ship Info panel does not update hull points immediately when the ship is hit with a missile
- Fixed Bug: Enemy and player ship selection is inconsistent
- Fixed Bug: Tooltips don't update when a ship takes damage
- Fixed Bug: Autocam looks at the wrong target during an FTL in
- Fixed Bug: Clicking a planet during the intro walk animation causes the camera depth of field to switch to planet view mode
- Fixed Bug: Back button prompt not visible when selecting a slot
- Fixed Bug: Story Mission 5: Talons are moving
- Fixed Bug: AI Squadrons are targeting docked raptor squadrons
- [BUGFIX] Changed max ship count of MkII squadrons from 10 to 8, so supply costs are calculated correctly
- Fixed Bug: Incorrect error message when Daidalos fleet goes over point cap
- Fixed Bug: Warroom: Fleet model bases are floating
- Fixed Bug: UI elements in Mission Debriefing screen are not centred
- Fixed Bug: Null reference exception when leaving a multiplayer game from the options panel
- FIX: Fixed issue with repairs on Cylon ships not ending when the sub-system processes had been adjusted
- FIX: In Mission 12, Galactica is no longer giving itself commands when it changes side
- Fixed [BUG] Mine deployment height is based on plane height instead of unit's height
- Fixed Bug: Transport armour display
- Fixed Bug: Heavy Raiders won't board if target is moving too fast
- Fixed Bug: SIGINT displaying Resource Mission on Avalon
- Fixed Bug: War Room Camera rotates weirdly after exiting Build ships, economy, BP, or Officer Menus
- Fixed Bug: SIGINT advisory screen displays incorrect tylium and trend data on loading
- Fixed Bug: Collision zones do not get turned off after a ship is destroyed
- Fixed Bug: Ships are being identified and are appearing again after being destroyed
- Fixed BUG: turret fire does not damage Caprica Terminal
- Fixed bug where story mission 12 and 14 set Caprica Terminal and Avalon to the Cylon faction on turn 1
- Fixed Bug: Chapter 12 sequencing bug
- Fixed Bug: Galactica has 5 slots when loading a mid-battle save in story mission 14
- Fixed Bug: Story mission 8's objective asset list is null when reloading a save while the basestar is visible
- Fixed Bug: Freeze when resuming from a saved game
- Fixed issue where the action menu notification window was overlapping the turrets button
- Fixed action menu button positions for squadrons
- Fixed Bug: [GAMEPAD] Focus Fire shortcut does not display as "Cancel Target" in subsequent turns
- Fixed Bug: [GAMEPAD] Can attempt to assign an officer when not enough fleets exist