PC : Turn based WW2 goodness in the mold of Panzer General. This promises to be a true classic!

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Post by goose_2 »

dalfrede wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:34 pm Pete
Looking at your Salerno Counter-Attack replay, I found that using M8 arty to escort M18 helps deal with infantry.

Pete and Goose
Both you defend the leftmost VH, why?
Cerberus51 suggested [ I concur], to leave two Salerno city hexes empty, and let the vanguard German tanks take them, use close terrain to allow your infantry to take out their tanks.

To be historical 1/2 of USA armored units should be M4 Shermans.
ie add up all M10s, M18s, M36s, M8, M7s, M12s, M5s, that is how many M4s you need. :mrgreen:
For the Russians 2/3 of theirs should be T34s.
I did try leaving parts of Salerno as a trap on the other 2 playthroughs, but it went better on my 3rd playthrough with what happened having their units get ambushed all over the map. Super awesome

I have tried to avoid spamming all the same units, but found it a necessity to upgrade 1 more M3 to another Hellcat, so 3 Hellcat's 3 Wolverine's,

I would have more M4's and really do not like only having 2 units as tanks, but US tanks suck so so bad compared to what they are facing.

Pete you say your units are mostly at 1 star, I would be very worried reaching the end with most of my units at only 1 star of experience.

My hope is to have most units at 3 stars by the time I finsh US Corps 43...
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Post by PeteMitchell »

dalfrede wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:34 pm Looking at your Salerno Counter-Attack replay, I found that using M8 arty to escort M18 helps deal with infantry.
Yep, I buy this... I just missed the point to get the M8s, next time...
dalfrede wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:34 pm Both you defend the leftmost VH, why?
Cerberus51 suggested [ I concur], to leave two Salerno city hexes empty, and let the vanguard German tanks take them, use close terrain to allow your infantry to take out their tanks.
That was the plan until around turn 2 or 3 when I had three Tigers plus another tank in front of the house... as well as German infantry parked in caravans (SdKfz) right at my door... I expected the German infantry/grenadiers to enter the two empty Salerno city hexes and to then cut off my AT (plus an aux tank) west of Salerno (alone with two of the three Tigers)... so I thought I rather go forward and do something... that's the only reason...
dalfrede wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:34 pm To be historical 1/2 of USA armored units should be M4 Shermans.
ie add up all M10s, M18s, M36s, M8, M7s, M12s, M5s, that is how many M4s you need
I am happy to try this on lower difficulties as I expect to lose many/most M4s (and then need to replace them which requires prestige that I don't have right now).
goose_2 wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:46 pm Pete you say your units are mostly at 1 star, I would be very worried reaching the end with most of my units at only 1 star of experience.

My hope is to have most units at 3 stars by the time I finsh US Corps 43...
Yeah, I am worried, too... I was doing better at the end of 43 but wait until you reach Sankt Vith... now I am more worried about reaching the end (regardless of the stars)... I haven't done elite replacements during the scenarios :mrgreen:
Last edited by PeteMitchell on Sat Mar 30, 2019 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by captainjack »

Shermans get a raw deal on both defence and attack in Panzer Corps GD is the same as the Somua S35 (even though the most basic Sherman had better armour) and the HA is hardly better than the short German 75mm and old Russian 76mm, which doesn't look reasonable to me. This makes a historic composition USCorps very challenging.
If you have enough prestige, the tank destroyer half tracks gain experience quickly as artillery and can be converted to proper TDs at 3*. The artillery role also provides mobile protection against infantry. However, TD with only 1* is very limited compared with 3* - typically a 1* will take 1 casualty extra each attack and will deal out 2 less compared with a 3* so this rapidly mounts up over a few combats.
Personally I focus on wiping out the units I can deal with and use the captured german recons to try to steer clear of the German heavies or to set up a welcoming committee of TDs and any auxiliary AT guns backed by artillery, and try to strat bomb or tac bomb them once stalled. If you don't break, this usually works.
As experienced FW190 and AAA are so dangerous for inexperienced fighters, I'll often field a 37/0.5" SPAA to protect ground units and a 90mm to slowly wear them down. I can then get away with only two bombers and two escort fighters, allowing just enough ground units to rotate damaged units out of combat.
Again, not necessarily a good strategy under low-prestige restrictions.
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Post by PeteMitchell »

captainjack wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 10:44 pm However, TD with only 1* is very limited compared with 3* - typically a 1* will take 1 casualty extra each attack and will deal out 2 less compared with a 3* so this rapidly mounts up over a few combats.
Sounds about right based on my recent experiences, I should have invested in elite replacements for the TDs as much as possible... while I don't have that much prestige (around 2k right now), I think it is also due to having played Battlefield Europe for some time. There you need most (if not all) of your prestige to just keep your forces alive (with normal replacements during the 99 turns scenario) and the rest for upgrades and new units which is more important (there) than experience (IMHO, McGuba might disagree on some points)...

Well, let's see where this will get me! Looking ahead in terms of the next scenarios: while I know the (historic) plans for Operation Unthinkable, what is Wargames?
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Post by dalfrede »

PeteMitchell_2 wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2019 9:48 am what is Wargames?
It is a 'friendly' post war exercise. Think 'Spoils of War' from GC39.

The first time I played I ran out of prestige in the middle. Started with ~5000.
Still DV though.
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Post by PeteMitchell »

Thanks dalfrede!

I just finished Bastogne, very easy compared to Sankt Vith, just be cautious all the way... This came a bit as a positive surprise. Well, it's similar to some of the relief scenarios in the East actually...

The next map (Houffalize) looks a bit like the Kursk map, just more forest. So Sankt Vith was hard, Bastogne was easy, so Houffalize will be hard again? Well, not sure if splitting up forces is the best idea here. Maybe I will have to given the size of the map and the available turns...
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Post by PeteMitchell »

Finished Houffalize... well, it was OK but I lost two SE fighters... Battle of Remagen (bridge) is next!
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Quick Update

Post by goose_2 »

Ok Weekend down and here is where I am at:

I have 3 missions done for my Afrika Korps and preparing for Mission 4 Battle Axe, but unsure when I will start as still considering any new purchases I may consider buying.

I have only purchased a 75mm arty and Piaggio, both have been absolutely vital. My biggest problem has been the lack of air power. A German Fighter would be so very handy but unless I am awarded an SE Bf-109 I am afraid I will not see that needed unit. I remember on my Bilndthrough I purchased a 2nd Fighter and worked extremely hard to build up that 2nd Fighter only to lose it in a much latter scenario. Stormo is my Only Fighter. I love Stormo, but he is very very lonely, so I may purchase an Italian 88?

I have started posting Volturno Line as just finished this weekend, and hoping to tackle Cassino this week. This scenario was a lot tougher than I thought it would be, and as such I lost 2 of my newer units, Thank God for Reformed units as I really like Willy's Jeep and the Italian Inf, that I get way to aggressive with.

I am hoping my practice on the Battle Of Monte Cassino that I have been playing a lot of on MP is preparing me for the Cassino Battle in US Corps which looks exactly the same.
The MP Map gives the Allies like 7000 and every new Vehicle and Infantry have 3 stars experience, the aux units do not even have a single star and then our units are struggling to get 3 stars and have barely 3k. Yikes, my only hope is that I am not playing against a human but an AI. ;)

GC East Manstein
Finished Pillau yesterday and started posting that mission today.

I had some problems with that mission as the first post shows when the game crashed on me. (That is so frustrating when that happens.) Also my 5th Installment did not end up recording any game sound just the sound of my commentary. (Yuck) So I needed to restart that first day and reshoot that 5th Installment.

Otherwise the playthrough is going surprisingly well. I am spending prestige a lot more liberally and I hope it continues to pay off as I would love, love, love being able to get Decisive Victory's on every single mission in 45 when I couldn't get a Decisive Victory on all missions in any other year of the Campaign, there always seems to be that 1 scenario that escapes me. :evil:

Hopefully not this time. :oops:

Thanks for all the continued comments, encouragement and peoiple seem very drawn to my Afrika Korps Campaign. I hope the interest continues.

and as always...Stay Lutheran My Friends :mrgreen:
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14 hours away from livecasting w Braccada

Post by goose_2 »

So, I have figured out how to post livecasting. Not the best quality, but at least now I can do it.

Take a look at my channel and see 4 recent postings with the Thumb nail being my shirt I received from Slitherine.

Braccada and I will be playing through the Low Countries scenario 14 hours from the posting of this update.

I get to play the Axis and fully expect to have a difficult time punching through Braccada's defense. If you all remember this was the match I lost in the Tournament from last year, played almost 1 year from my loss last year. So I feel I need to save face on our match up.

Hoping you all can make it or watch later on my channel, should be a good time.

Let me know about any questions.
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Livecast with Braccada and game update

Post by goose_2 »

Ok so Braccada and I busted through half of Low Countries scenario.

I am itching to watch his side of the battle but avoiding as I want to finish without any inside information.

Many mistakes were made on both of our parts, some good rolls and some bad rolls but we are at about the halfway point, hoping to finish up this coming weekend.

My questions for you all, if you watched it.

1) My upload speed means I am not able to upload at my typical 1080 quality. It is at like 480, so kind of poor, but at least it is live. (Do you like it live or would you prefer it shot at higher quality and uploaded later?)
2) Since we are limited in time to spend on match I try and play very quickly and as such make mistakes and do not go over my strategy as I am playing, but instead have a screen pulled up that showcases the various units that they start out with and detail what I did and what my plans will be after I play my turn. Is this enjoyed by anyone?
3) Let me know anything I could be doing better or braccada could be doing better to make these broadcasts more interesting.

Quick Update on single player.

I will need to slow down my posts as I am loading faster than I can play, kind of.

I finished Monte Cassino, Battleaxe, and started Konigsberg.

Monte Cassino cost me a couple of units again, which is frustrating but something I am getting used to. (I am unsure when I will lay Anzio Link up, hopefully this weekend.)

Battleaxe wasn't as clean as I would have liked or could have done, but still done in 2 broadcasts. ;) (Hope you enjoy the longer episode.)
Dash to the Wire is something I want to prepare for and watch many playthroughs and read aar's before I attempt as I missed the bonus units in my blindthrough and really can't afford to miss them this time. :D :P

Konigsberg is tight and very interesting to try and deal with all of the units coming at you and penetrating deep into our lines. (Hoping to finish up this week.)
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Post by PeteMitchell »

goose_2 wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2019 2:44 pm Monte Cassino cost me a couple of units again, which is frustrating but something I am getting used to. (I am unsure when I will lay Anzio Link up, hopefully this weekend.)
So it seems to be as difficult as Anzio then... :|

...and I am behind on watching your videos (for time reasons) so I can't comment on your other points... :(
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Livecast with Braccada and Quick Update

Post by goose_2 »

Braccada and I will be busting through the remainder of our liveplay of Low Countries around the same time tom morning. (Hope you can make it.)

Again I apologize for the lower resolution, but as I am not seeing anyone requesting me switch to just recording like I did our first game, I will keep doing the livecasting. In fact the last livecast I did has acquired almost triple what my normal views and length of watching that any of my other posts does.

I will start with thoughts around what my errors have been and thoughts around what Braccada's errors have been and then bust through the rounds uber quick with remaining analysis between turns.

Quick Update on Single Player:

Finished US Corps 43 last night with last mission broken between 2 broadcasts. (I made 1 big mistake towards the end of the scenario that I am still shaking my head at, but will need to start recording US Corps 44 as I will run out of posts for US Corps very quickly.)

Finished Dash to the Wire on Double Rommel Afrika Korps. 3 Broadcasts that I hope to post 1st part tonight. (The first part is the best, but follow up could have been better, but overall am pleased with what I did and most of the heroes I was awarded.) Second Offensive will take more time to work up to.

Still plowing through Konigsberg on Manstein, hoping to finish this weekend, but feeling pressure to get started with US Corps 44 so...we shall see.

Only so much time in my day and night to play, but I feel I have made a valiant effort. ;)

Hope you can all make it for the livecast tom, adn as always ...Stay Lutheran My Friends. :mrgreen:
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Quick Update after the weekend

Post by goose_2 »

Braccada and I finished the Low Countries liveplay. It was actually very close. I won it with just 2 days to spare, but was far from the steamroller scenario Norway was.

Next weekend, Holy Saturday, we are hoping to bust through France. It is an even easier one for the Germans, but Braccada is getting better the more he plays.

I am really enjoying doing these, and I hope that soon I may be able to satart doing the same thing with Paulwalvoord, or even DD-OVY....

Let me know if someone is interested in liveplaying me, as it is a lot of fun.

Single Player:

I will need to slow down uploads, as I am catching up to where I am at in the game, but am limited in the amount of time I can find to play:

Started US Corps 44-45 and finished Omaha Beach will be uploaded next, I have started Pointe Du Hoc, but man are these scenarios chewing me up. :oops: :oops: :oops:

I do not know when I can start 2nd Offensive as I am still doing research and am not ready to attempt a playthrough yet.

I still need to sit down and finish Konigsberg, which is next for me after I finish Pointe Du Hoc.

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Braccada and I will rumba tumba live in 14 hours

Post by goose_2 »

Super Happy about this new challenge with Braccada...He has the tougher challenge, but he always enjoys a challenge. ;)

Here are the first 2 from my playlist: Split up into 4 broadcasts ... yv&index=4

Here they are from Braccada's Challenge:


2 Broadcasts for Low Countries

This brings us to our current battle set to go at 4:30 am CST, so like in 14 hours from this post.

France is the battlefield.

Will I be able to take Paris or will the French repulse my advance?

Hope you all can watch live or enjoy later on our respective channels.
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Post by PeteMitchell »

goose_2 wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:15 pm This brings us to our current battle set to go at 4:30 am CST, so like in 14 hours from this post.
For the guys on the other side of the big pond... this seems to be around 11:30 CET... :mrgreen:
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Quick Update

Post by goose_2 »

First off Happy Easter, everyone!
Christ has Risen! (If you are Lutheran you will know the proper response.) ;)

Braccada and I played live early this weekend:
Busted through very quickly as the map heavily favors the Germans:

Here is my side:

Here is Brac's Side:

This next week I will be at a Lutheran Home School Conference so I will be unable to play.
(I really relish this time with family and this will be our 4th time attending as we started with their inception of this get together. Super pleased to have met so many other great Lutheran Home Schoolers out there. The few the proud the Lutheran Home Schoolers.)

This starts Thursday through Saturday.

This means I will also fall way behind in my Single Player as well.

Thankfully I had some time to bust through some scenarios this weekend.

Single Player Update:

Afrika Korps Double Rommel

Played through 2nd Offensive on Afrika Korps. Super pleased with the results except for the loss of 1 unit which was completely my fault for getting too aggressive.
I looked at Gazala Line, and have worked with set up. This is where the 25% prestige is really being felt. I am just not able to build up my army like I would desire, but after my 3rd attempt, I think I may have a good balance of holding onto experience and upgrading as much as possible.
(This does not leave me much in prestige, and I will need to do some serious analysis of this map and their capabilities before I attempt my recording of this scenario.)

Somebody on my channel made a comment about doing the losing as well as the winning path. That sounds like fun so I will certainly do that, keep the comments coming.

Probably not until May.

Manstein Grand Campaign East

Konigsberg finally finished. I tried starting Osterode, but I went too quickly and am keeping that recording but restarting from the deployment as I lost my Recon, based on my stupidity.

Osterode will wait until May as well.

US Corps Rommel and Field Marshall Blind

Finished Carentan, which was super easy. Cotentin will be next on my list to play. Hopefully this week before I go on this vacation.

I know this is super huge report, but a lot going on.

I hope you all are enjoying this Easter Season as much as I already am.

Blessings...and as always...Stay Lutheran My Friends. :mrgreen:
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Post by goose_2 »

PeteMitchell_2 wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:58 pm Finished Houffalize... well, it was OK but I lost two SE fighters... Battle of Remagen (bridge) is next!
Did you ever finish the Campaign, been a long time since we have had an update on your play.
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Post by PeteMitchell »

Sorry, not yet…

I don’t like rushing the maps and usually prefer some quiet time to play an entire (normal) map all at once (if possible, so except BE of course) but I didn't really get there yet the last few weeks...

I am still about to start Remagen any time soon! :)
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Quick Update after the weekend

Post by goose_2 »

PeteMitchell_2 wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:45 pm Sorry, not yet…

I don’t like rushing the maps and usually prefer some quiet time to play an entire (normal) map all at once (if possible, so except BE of course) but I didn't really get there yet the last few weeks...

I am still about to start Remagen any time soon! :)
You are so super close. 3 missions left to finish the entire Campaign.

After the weekend, with a majority of it being away:
Afrika Korps Double Rommel

Given the extra time, I read about the actual battle and thought long and hard about what I would be capable of doing.
I spent most of my time thinking about what I could buy and what I wanted to take with me. (3 times I needed to restart my layout as I ran out of prestige too fast and the 3rd time was something I could live with, this 25% prestige bite is really having an effect)

Then spent Saturday evening to bust through 3 broadcasts up to Day 12. Very, very pleased with my progress and what has occurred so far.

There are so many ways to approach this map, and I can't wait for you to see what my plan is and how the execution is going. (I think you will enjoy quite a bit, and 1st part should be going up tonight or tom morning.)

Manstein Grand Campaign East

I also had time to think about the restart to the start of this map. My layout is perfect, imho, and busted through the first couple to 3 days to get a good start on this map.

US Corps Rommel and Field Marshall Blind

Cherbourg has been started and am 1 broadcast from being done. It is this blind stuff that really kicks my butt, as I have lost a couple of units, that will need to be started over again at 0 Stars and purchased back at full price.

Got too eager with my Alpine again. (I treat them like Oleh Dir, but he is not Oleh Dir)
Got another unit force surrendered around Cherbourg itself.

(just too many artillery and forts around that city not to take it seriously.)

I plan on finishing either tonight or tom, and am at least pretty confident that Decisive will happen, but at what cost.

I plan on taking Caen on, as that is the path Pete did not take, and I like taking the opposite.

Very excited to be back after that few days hiatus as my family and I spent some great time up in Northern Iowa around a bunch of other Lutheran home school families.

It is one of the best times of the year and something our entire family relishes.
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About 12 hours away from Live play w Braccada

Post by goose_2 »

I always get so excited for this stuff.

Braccada and I are set to play around our normal time. 4:30 am my time CST...I may start a little early based on what time I wake up, but should be around that time.

I tried to let Braccada play the Axis on this map, as it is another tough map for the allies, but I know a lot of tricks to do on this map to give the axis a major pain, and even have been able to beat several opponents on this map as the allies.

(But I have been able to beat people as the allies on every single map in mp.) :D ;) :P

I am such a goof, I hope you can make it, and I will detail my strategy like I have done on our other playthroughs, but I will not layout my strategy if I was the allies. (I want to save that for whenever I might play someone live as the allies on this map.)

I am still hoping to do these liveplays with another player, hopefully Paulwalvoord, but am open to anyone desiring to live play me and willing to play fast live.

See you all in like 12 hours.
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