Wurttemberg 1814 list is wrong, need errata update

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Sergeant - 7.5 cm FK 16 nA
Sergeant - 7.5 cm FK 16 nA
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Wurttemberg 1814 list is wrong, need errata update

Post by CutEmUp »

It should be an Austrian Reserve Corps Division and not a regular Austrian Corps Division as what was attached to the Wurttemberg Division was a brigade of Austrian Grenadiers and 2 brigades of Austrian Cuirassiers. There were also light regiment, while Footguards and Landwehr on the way. I guess you could have the other stuff, but IMO all that really needs to happen is that the rifles can be in a division with cavalry and the Austrian Corps type should change

Wurttemberg 4th Corps
l3 March l8l4
Commanding Officer: Feldmarschal Kronprinz von Württemberg
Advanced Guard: Generallieutenant Prinz Adam von Württemberg
lst Cavarly Brigade: Generalmajor von Walseben
5th Cavalry Regiment "Jäger" (4)
Erzherzog Ferdinand Hussar Regiment (5)(Austrian)
lst Horse Battery, Cpt. von Breithaupt (4-6pdrs & 2 how)
2nd Cavalry Brigade: Generalmajor von Jett
2nd Cavalry Regiment "Jäger Herzog Louis" (4)
3rd Cavalry Regiment "Dragoner Kronprinz" (4)
4th Cavalry Regiment "Jäger Prinz Adam" (4)
2nd Horse Battery, Cpt. von Bürgi (4-6pdrs & 2 how)
4th Infantry Brigade: Generalmajor von Stockmayer
9th Jäger Regiment "König" (l)
l0th Light Regiment (2)
Austrian Pioneer Company (Cpt. Wonjatschek) (l co)
Main Body: Feldzeugmeister Graf von Franquemont
lst Division: Generallieutenant von Koch
lst Infantry Brigade: Generalmajor Prinz von Hohenlohe
2nd Infantry Regiment "Herzog Wilhelm" (2)
3rd Infantry Regiment (2)
lst Foot Battery, Major von Ehrenfeld (4-6pdrs & 2 how)
2nd Infantry Brigade: Generalmajor von Misani
4th Infantry Regiment (2)
5th Infantry Regiment "Prinz Freiderich" (2)
2nd Foot Battery, Cpt. von Diskau (4-6pdrs & 2 how)
3rd Infantry Brigade: Generalmajor von Lalance
6th Infantry Regiment "Kronprinz" (2)
Landregiment #6 Heilbronn (l)
2nd Division: Generallieutenant Döring
7th Infantry Regiment (2)
Grenadier (Austrian) Brigade: Generalmajor von Trenk
Putheany Grenadier Battalion (l)
Frisch Grenadier Battalion (l)
Hromada Grenadier Battalion (l)
Lany Grenadier Battalion (l)
2 6pdr Batteries
Cuirassier Brigade: Generalmajor Graf von Desfours
Liechtenstein Cuirassier Regiment (6)
Kaiser Cuirassier Regiment (6)
Cuirassier Brigade: Oberst von Seymann
Konstantin Cuirassier Regiment (6)
Sommariva Cuirassier Regiment (6)
Reserve Artillery:
Austrian l2pdr Foot Battery, Oberlieutenant Wiegel
Reinforcements: enroute from Württemberg for 2nd Division
(Departed 2l February)
Leib-Infantry Regiment #l (2)
3 Land Regiments
Sergeant - 7.5 cm FK 16 nA
Sergeant - 7.5 cm FK 16 nA
Posts: 208
Joined: Fri May 28, 2010 3:50 pm

Re: Wurttemberg 1814 list is wrong, need errata update

Post by CutEmUp »

Did more research and found that earlier in the year they had a different Austrian division attached with two regular infantry regiments, some artillery and a Hussar regiment. However, the Jægers were still attached to the advanced guard division with the cavalry.
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