Northern Classic - Game 5 vs Romans

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Northern Classic - Game 5 vs Romans

Post by philqw78 »

All you need to knowt is there was one! :shock: :oops:
putting the arg into argumentative, except for the lists I check where there is no argument!
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Re: Northern Classic - Game 5 vs Romans

Post by petedalby »

And now for the full version!

And so onto the final game vs Phil Powell and his LRR army. Phil had taken me apart at Britcon and I hoped that my reimagined 900 AP army would prove a sterner test for him.

My anti Roman 900 AP list was an IC, 2 x TC, 1 x 10 Sup Pike, 3 x 10 Avg Pike, 3 x 6 Thracians with HW, 1 x 4 LF Jav, 1 x 4 LF Sling, 1 x 6 LF Jav, 1 x 4 Sup Thessalians and 3 x 4 Sup Companions. 14 BGs with a break point of 13. The pike were designed to more resilient. 3 x 6 Thracians gave additional rear support opportunities but most importantly 3 x 4 Companions should present a challenge for even Elite Romans.

Phil’s Romans were FC, TC + Dacian Ally TC, 3 x 4 Elite Romans, 2 x 6 Sup Romans, 2 x 8 Thracians with HW, 2 x 4 LH Jav, 1 x 6 LF Sling, 1 x 12 Dacian Warriors, 1 x 8 Dacian Falxmen & 1 x 4 Avg Prot LtSp Sw Cav and a compulsory Fortified Camp. 13 BGs with a break point of 12.

I won initiative and chose Agricultural. Phil was to move first. This is Phil’s deployment. It is clear that Phil is flank marching his compulsory Roman Cav BG which leaves him with just the FC and Dacian Ally TC on table. He has has Thracians on his left, Romans in the centre and Dacians on his right. The 2 LH BGS are designed to slow my left flank.


Because I deployed 2nd I was able to put all of my cavalry facing the Dacians. I have 2 Thracian BGs in a field with Pike in the centre supported by the 3rd Thracian BG.


Phil moved first and started his Thracians down the flank.

My plan was very simple. Destroy the Dacians and delay in the centre until the cavalry arrive. My LH are supported by the Thessalians so there was little Phil’s LH could do to hold me back. In the centre I have pushed 2 Pike BGs forwards. This is a feint just to keep Phil’s attention. 2 Thracian BGs advance through an Open Field.


Phil does what he can to frustrate my attack. The Warriors are now angled in an attempt to lure the right hand BG of Companions to charge in on its own – the others are out of charge range.


Fortunately the IC ensures they pass the CMT and the entire cavalry battle line is now poised for a charge next turn. In the centre both Pike BGs about face but one is too close to the enemy LF to be able to march away so my LF puts them under pressure.


The cavalry charge is delivered and my left hand BG manages to lose and disrupt. Fortunately it will now fight as an overlap. Most importantly the Warriors have also disrupted. They will then fragment in the melee.


There is still no sign of Phil’s flank march. The Warriors rout in their own turn. The central Companion BG continues the pursuit whilst the other 2 stop. They pass their CMT to turn and move and I have 2 flank charges teed up. The Thracians move up to charge range as well to provide multiple threats.


The flank charges are delivered and the dice are kind. The Falxmen and a 6 base Sup Legion are both destroyed and the Dacian General is killed. My Superior pike turn to face a solitary Elite Legion. The remaining pike continue to redeploy and delay contact with the other Legions.


On my right Phil’s Thracians have marched around the flank and charge my right hand Pike and supporting Thracian BG. Realising they are on the wrong side of history both Thracians disrupt at impact. Phil’s Elites have also lost impact and lose a base and disrupt.


That flank march has still not arrived after 6 attempts. One of the enemy Thracians double drops and routs. The other goes fragmented. The Elites also lose another base and fragment.


At this point Phil concedes. Nothing has gone his way and it is a glorious victory for the Alexandrian Macedonians 35-0. Amazingly we haven’t lost a single base. The Britcon defeat has been well and truly avenged.

Boosted by another win I manage to overtake Paul and finish the event in first place. I like to think Alex would have approved.

Thanks again to all at MAWS for putting this on for us.
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Re: Northern Classic - Game 5 vs Romans

Post by philqw78 »

Ignoring almost all of the above it was a fun game
putting the arg into argumentative, except for the lists I check where there is no argument!
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