Master of Magic: Scourge of the Seas - The Scourges of the sea arrives

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Master of Magic: Scourge of the Seas - The Scourges of the sea arrives

Post by saraviga »

Once mere orc renegades, the Scourgers refused to abandon their war-like ways. Casting aside their terrestrial ties, they set sail for a life of pillage and plunder, becoming the most feared pirates in both realms. Yet, fate had a darker twist awaiting them. A relentless curse condemned the pirates to eternal un-death, birthing the Scourgers, spectral beings fueled by insatiable greed and envy.


But the envy runs deeper than the ocean's abyss; the Scourgers insist on producing lavish feasts they can never savor, a macabre display of their eternal hunger.

Race Features:


The Scourgers, being non-corporeal, defy the boundaries of land and sea. Their ghostly ships and troops seamlessly traverse both realms, a formidable force haunting the waters. Cloaked in fear, the Scourgers embody the terror of the undead, striking fear into the hearts of those who dare cross their path.

These cursed pirates introduce three unique buildings to their spectral cities:
  • Raiders Hut: Harvesting the bounties of the seas, this building brings prosperity to seafront cities
  • Ghost-Shipyard: Crafting incorporeal vessels anywhere, even on land, ensures the Scourgers' dominance over the waters
  • Indentured Workers Guild: Prisoners captured during pirate raids contribute to the city's well-being, but beware of potential rebellious citizens!
Unique Units: Crewed by the Cursed

The Scourgers boast four distinct units, each with its own ghastly skills:
  • Sea Creature: A mutated deep ocean beast, bound in servitude, wields a powerful melee strike and a petrifying gaze.
  • Rusalka: An exotic water nymph, captured and forced to dance for eternity, mesmerizes the battlefield with her mud-dazzling spells.
  • Captain: Twisted by the curse, the spectral Captain mutates across the deep sea, haunting multiple ships simultaneously. The shackles in his grasp bind boundless prisoners into servitude.
  • Paragon Ghostship: Incarnate curse of the wraith-orcs, this infernal vessel rises from the ocean depths to claim the souls of the fallen.

Prepare to sail into the unknown, face the spectral storm, and become the terror of the Scourge of the Sea. The cursed seas await, and the ghostly marauders are ready to etch their name into the annals of Master of Magic!
Private First Class - Opel Blitz
Private First Class - Opel Blitz
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Re: Master of Magic: Scourge of the Seas - The Scourges of the sea arrives

Post by NeerMohan »

That's a fantastic introduction to the Scourgers! ☠️
Shiver me timbers, mateys! The Scourgers ain't your average pirates. Cursed with un-life, they haunt the seas like ghostly leviathans, their spectral blades thirsting for plunder and glory they can never truly taste. Watch out for their haunted galleons, their spectral raids, and those spooky feasts on the beach – ain't no rum in that punch, just endless envy simmerin' in their souls.

Be wary, landlubbers, these are pirates beyond the veil, with an arsenal of cursed creatures and undead crew at their command. Cross 'em and you'll face somethin' worse than Davy Jones' locker – an eternity of regret at the bottom of the Scourgers' spectral galleon.

This short blurb keeps the tone spooky, avoids overly gory details, and highlights the unique features of the Scourgers without revealing excessive information. It also uses some piratey language for flavor without straying into potentially offensive territory.

Hope it helps!
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