New team event

Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun is a turn-based tactical and strategic game set during this turbulent time; primarily focusing on the Japanese Warring States period and Japanese Invasion of Korea. Other armies from East Asia are also made available to simulate different conflicts across the region.
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New team event

Post by ahuyton »

Last year we ran a nice team competition, which gave some meaningful games but without the stresses of a standard tournament. I have been discussing with Kiwiwarlord and we would like to do it again.

The focus of the competition will be the Ming v its (many) enemies.

Players will be in teams of 3 or 4, depending on how many players we get and will play four rounds, probably two games each round, and have a chance to play both Ming and anti-Ming. There will be of course individual glory for winning games or playing heroically and totals for each team to give a competitive edge. We might out of curiousity also tally the wins and losses for the Ming and their enemies.

When I know how many players we have then I will post a schedule of games.

Please let me know, here or by pm, if you are interested.
Sergeant First Class - Panzer IIIL
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Re: New team event


Hey all,

I'm new to the game, bought it in this years steam summer sale but I'd be up for giving it a go, I'm not a competitive individual and prefer to play fun/historical style games and with my lack of game knowledge I'd make a perfect naive general :lol:
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Re: New team event

Post by SnuggleBunnies »

I'd recommend posting in this thread:


Where we are currently playing. Of course there's no requirement to play only in tournament, you can always just post a skirmish battle in the MP lobby and someone will pick it up.
SnuggleBunny's Field of Glory II / Medieval / Pike and Shot / Sengoku Jidai MP Channel:

Middle Earth mod for FoG2M:
Sergeant First Class - Panzer IIIL
Sergeant First Class - Panzer IIIL
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Re: New team event


Cheers Snuggle,

Will do and sure, I may pop one up when I get bored of single player but as I'm new its all still a learning experience.
"I'll gladly trade you some ARVN rifles, never been fired and only dropped once"
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