Tech Tree

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Tech Tree

Post by MizzouRah »

What do most people put that setting on? I know it defaults to two tiers out.. but I think I like only seeing what I can research, what do others think?

You can also have it like Endless Space where you can see the whole tree, I'm just not sure I want to see anything I can't research yet. Nice to have options though!
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Re: Tech Tree

Post by jdmillard »

I prefer to see a row or two ahead. Not only does offer good game-play strategy (instead of blind guessing), but it is also realistic. In the research and development world, there are often technologies that are theoretically understood, but are waiting on some other breakthrough in order to make it plausible (like a lighter material, a faster/smaller microchip, less expensive hardware, more efficient power generation, materials with a higher melting temperature...).

On a side note: when promising new technologies are waiting on crucial breakthroughs, that's when the conspiracy theories break out about big evil oil companies somehow sabotaging the whole thing.
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Re: Tech Tree

Post by HitmanN »

Three techs ahead, is what I've been using so far.

The randomized tech trees kind of necessitate the foresight, because you can't rely on logical progress. In most other games, if you research for example armor, you know you'll get something related out of it in the long run, like better armor, defensive equipment, new hulls, etc. In Pandora, researching armor could lead you to, well, anything, from pollution prevention to nuclear weapons. If you like research progression being largely based on luck, then sure, why not only see the immediate choices. I only like that in games that have tech trees that branch thematically.

Not saying I don't like the randomized tech trees or anything. In fact, it's one of the best things I like about Pandora. :D
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Re: Tech Tree

Post by MizzouRah »

I get both points.. makes sense to me. I like the tech tree too and how it's randomized.
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