What effect does lowering the weapon %age have?

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Staff Sergeant - StuG IIIF
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What effect does lowering the weapon %age have?

Post by Odenathus »

I notice that the recent IF release has seen the emergence of units with 50% of some weapon categories. I know the calculations are too complicated to explain so simply, but is it broadly that only that %age of the units get the PoA in melee? So a unit with 500 men, only 50% of whom have Swordsmen would get 500 men x 100 PoA @ 50%, whereas a fully Swordsmen equipped unit gets 500 men x 100 PoA @ 100%? And the same with shooting, Darts, Impact Foot, etc?

Broadly speaking. Or is it completely different?

Field of Glory 2
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Re: What effect does lowering the weapon %age have?

Post by rbodleyscott »

It is like that for swordsmen and some other capabilities.

However, some impact capabilities don't need 100% to get 100% of their Impact POAs:

Lancers 50%
Light Spear 33%
Impact Foot 33%

This is because in mixed units the guys with these capabilities are assumed to be in the front ranks, which are the only ranks that fight at impact.
Richard Bodley Scott

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