[BUG] Strange Crashes (now with attachments!)

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[BUG] Strange Crashes (now with attachments!)

Post by ElegantCaveman »

NOTE: Now with attachments! Please see end of post. This is for Beta version 0.29.1, so, a bit late, but I was unable to add attachments earlier sorry. Hopefully this will still be useful.
Okay, this is a bit complicated, so please bear with me... I'll try to be as clear as I can.

The issue at hand is three crashes: The first was the strangest, loading an old saved game when I ended the turn. The other two were just "regular" crashes.

The Original Problem:
I set two formers to plant forests (coordinates: [2,2] and [3,2]) and moved the third ([0,39]) to the city of Mao just west of it ([39,39]). From there, I used Orbital Deployment to send it to my western border, the city of Rockefeller ([34,6]).

New research selected was Geomagnetic Hull (I may have done this before moving the formers? I'm not sure, sorry).

I'd just finished researching Xenotronium Synapses this turn, which I was waiting for to upgrade my troops, so I went into the workshop and updated my Precentor Trooper: Anti-Matter Missile Launcher, Xenotronium Armor and Advance Cost Computation.

Then I refit all of them (one by one, since I hadn't realized you could select the units you wanted from the Military menu and refit them from there in one batch).

When I was done with this, I clicked the "End Turn" button, but instead of bringing me to the next turn, it loaded an old save game and displayed the "Pandora has encountered a problem and needs to close." error message.

This was turn 208. The loaded game was turn 103, the last time I had saved manually.

Steps Taken Attempting To Reproduce Original Crash:
  • I first tried not refitting; I made two formers plant a forest, and moved the third over land (not using an orbital drop). Hit End Turn; next turn came along normally.
  • Still no refit, but this time I used orbital drop on the third former. Again, next turn came along normally.
  • Dealth with formers, no orbital drop. Refit all Precentor Troopers in one shot using the Military menu. No crash.
  • Dealth with formers, with and without orbital drop. Refit all Precentor Troopers manually, in different orders (did this a couple of times). No crash.

"Regular" Crashes:
By "regular", I mean that the game didn't load an old save, it just crashed.

Play turn 210, end turn: game crashes.

Restart game...

Play turn 210, end turn: no crash.

Play turn 211, end turn: game crashes.

Turn 211 is where I'm stuck; the only crash I can reproduce. Nothing special needs to be done for the crash to happen, just ending the turn does the trick (don't even need to play any moves, I can just skip everything with the little swirly arrow).

  • ecsd_logs.rar: Logs taken after Turn 208, and after 211. I understand the newer logs include the old stuff, but I'm adding both in case it helps.
  • ecsd_turn103.rar: This is the old save that was loaded when I pressed "End Turn" and caused the original crash.
  • ecsd_turn208.rar: This is the turn that originally crashed, loading Turn 103 after I pressed "End Turn".
  • ecsd_turn210.rar: Crashed once on this turn, but second time was okay.
  • ecsd_turn211.rar: End turn = crash. You can skip actions, and it should reproduce.
I could only attach three files to this post (logs, turn103 & turn208), so I added the other two (turn210 & turn211) in this post, a bit further down in the thread.
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Last edited by ElegantCaveman on Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:24 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: [BUG] Strange Crashes

Post by Monaldinio »


Without, chrashes cant be fixed! :roll:

Put your Logs and Save in a Zip or Rar file... :roll:
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Re: [BUG] Strange Crashes

Post by ElegantCaveman »

As I said, I can't add attachments. When I try, I get this error message: "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached."

I found this out when I tried to add them; the post was already written. So I figured I'd post it anyway.

I'll add the logs & saves later, once attachments work again. I'll also edit the thread title to hopefully make this more clear.
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Re: [BUG] Strange Crashes (can't add attach.; board quota ma

Post by MizzouRah »

I think you can add them after 10 posts.
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Re: [BUG] Strange Crashes (can't add attach.; board quota ma

Post by ElegantCaveman »

I added some without any problem to my last bug report, so I don't think that's the issue. But I guess that's a possibility.

Still, it said "board attachment quota has been reached", not "your attachment quota has been reached".

Edit: Oh, look, this is my 10th post! :D So I tried attaching again, and it still doesn't work. :(
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Re: [BUG] Strange Crashes (can't add attach.; board quota ma

Post by ElegantCaveman »

Couldn't fit all the attachments into one post, so here are the other files.
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