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Sergeant First Class - Panzer IIIL
Sergeant First Class - Panzer IIIL
Posts: 373
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:20 pm


Post by jdmillard »

When I first played this, I thought "Really? I can't trade tech?" But I recently remembered that when I played multiplayer Alpha Centauri with my brother back in the day we would team up. It was so extremely boring because trading tech was basically like having twice the research output as the AI. There was no challenge. Now, human players can become allies without being over powerful.

I remember in Alpha Centauri if I had a slow tech start and was lagging behind, I could "broker" technology by trading around and talking to a lot of people. I would buy a tech, then trade it to everyone else for a few other techs, then do another round of trades. I could have literally the worst research but still keep up with savvy trading. I'm glad that it's gone. Now you have to try if you want decent tech.

I'm not against future changes like adding the ability to steal tech when you conquer a city... but I just wanted to give a thumbs-up to the current system.
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